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    合肥 | 5年以上 | 学历不限



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    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 10:09
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    【岗位职责】 1、在规定的时间里全面负责厨房工作的正常运转,包括西厨房,中厨房,宴会厨房,糕饼房,粗加工间和管事部。 2、 控制食品成本达到预算标准,最大限度扩大各个部门的经营利润,以确保把本部门成本控制在预算之内。 3、制定菜单,根据季节变化,不断创新菜式和定期推出特色菜。 4、配合餐饮部总监共同推出高利润产品和新销售卖点,每月做市场调研,跟上市场发展趋势,满足客人需求。 5、坚持质量标准,严格管控产品质量,监督食品的采购及其质量。保证食品质量,全年无安全事故。 6、监督厨房和库房的出入库量。保持一个合理的库存量,达到预计的食品周转标准。关注食品成本报告,需要时及时采取措施改进。以确保把本部门成本控制在预算之内。完成酒店制定的食品成本率指标。 7、调动厨师积极性,监督菜肴的质量,满足顾客对食物的要求。 8、监督宴会、酒会、团体餐出品的准备工作和出菜过程。 9、了解当前最新疫情相关餐饮防控要求。 10、确保通过集团内部年度食品安全卫生相关审计。 11、制订采购计划,及时提供采购单,签署厨房每日提货单。 12、 监督厨师正确使用和维护厨房设备。 13、 合理排班,监督出菜顺序和速度,创造良好的工作环境。 14、做好市场调查及到其他地方试餐,确保菜式迎合客人口味。 15、解决厨房和管事部的其他相关事务,有问题出现要主动亲自沟通解决。 16、完成上级下达的其他工作。 【岗位要求】 1、厨师烹饪专业毕业或大专以上学历,经过营养配餐的专业技术培训。 2、了解酒店管理的相关知识,熟悉厨房工作并具备一定的经验。 3、掌握常用办公软件的使用,具备一定的外语水平。 4、有五年以上中餐或西餐厨师长工作的经验,并熟悉粤菜及中国其他各大菜式,了解西式菜品制作。 5、具有厨房成本管控意识,成本数据分析能力。 6、敬业乐业,有良好的职业道德。
  • 员餐厨师长

    合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 年度旅游
    • 领导好
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 10:09
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    岗位职责: 1、带领员餐全体人员,为员工提供健康/卫生/多种食品菜品。 2、 根据员工提出的建议和意见,积极做好改进工作。 3、按时完成员餐菜单编制工作。确保根据所设定的政策和方针。 4、 烹制菜肴时,确保根据菜单和配方准备食品,以确保食品的质量达标。 5、严格执行食品分摊政策,以便有效地做好控制成本工作。 6、紧密督导下属,并协调他们的工作,以确保经济、及时的食品制作。同时能够积极指导下属人员安全正确操作。 7、根据月度食堂费用计划及菜肴计划,做好每天食品采购系统下单工作。 8、具体很强的安全意识,按时检查员餐厨房设备/设施,确保正常运作。 9、完成上级指派的其他任务。     岗位要求: 1、3年相关工作经验,学历不限。 2、 熟练掌握烹饪知识。 3、责任心强,有良好的沟通协调能力。 4、有成本管控意识。 5、有一定计算机操作技巧。 福利:双休,五险一金,带薪年假
  • 日料厨师

    合肥 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
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    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 管理规范
    • 帅哥多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:28
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    PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 ·Ensure compliance with all local (Health Department) regulations. 确保遵守当地政府(卫生部门)的规定。 ·Set up working station properly and on time before each service period. 每次营业前,妥善地设置好制作台。 ·Pay attention to the quality, presentation and flavour. 注重食品的质量,摆盘呈现方式及味道。 ·Make sure that food is tasty, tempting presentation, fresh and safe. 确保食品新鲜美味,可口诱人,卫生安全。 ·Make sure all food is prepared by recipes. 确保所有食品严格按照配方制作。 ·Cold food for straight consumption is handled with gloves at all times. 取用直接食用的冷冻食品时必须戴手套。 ·Implement proper food preparation procedures and storage standards. 履行正确的备菜程序与贮藏标准。 ·Follow the principle of food use-First in first out. 遵循先进先出的食品使用原则。 ·Maintain purchasing, receiving and food storage standards. 维持采购,收货及食品贮藏标准。 ·Apply for proper materials according to needs and instructions. 根据需要和指示,做好适当的物料申请。 ·All food items must be covered with cling film (or proper lid), dated, labeled and initialed by person who made it or used it first. 所有食品必须用保鲜膜(或大小适当的盖子)封好保存,由制作者或最初使用者制作标签、标明日期。 ·Support the Food and Beverage department's procedures for waste control. 支持餐饮部的各项程序对浪费的控制。 ·Conduct reasonable control of raw materials. 进行合理的原料控制。 ·Follow proper handling and right temperature of all food products. 遵循食品的适当处理及正确的保存温度。 ·Take temperature checks as required and keep record on the company standards sheets. 按要求检查温度并做好相关记录。 ·Ensure that Hygiene documents are filed in correctly and updated as necessary. 确保正确分类保存卫生方面的文件,并作必要的更新。 ·Use the cutting board correctly according to HACCP instructions at all times. 根据HACCP的指示,正确使用砧板。 ·Implement and follow HACCP system and correct Hygiene and Safety Standards. 实施及遵照HACCP系统执行正确的卫生和安全标准。 ·Ensure all colleagues follow all job safety regulations and all hazards are reported to the Security and Engineering. 确保所有的同事遵循工作安全规则,所有的危险都要报告给保安部及工程部。 ·Effectively report, investigate and follow up on colleague accidents. 有效的报告、调查及跟进员工事故。 ·Ensure that colleagues' uniforms are clean and tidy, especially in public areas and guest services. 确保同事的制服干净整洁,特别是在公共区域及对客服务时。 ·Hold periodically class room style training for new colleagues in order to increase professional knowledge skills. 定期对新进同事进行课堂式培训,帮助其增加相关职业知识技能。 ·Maintain a daily emphasis on food cost control and train colleagues to enhance their awareness. 坚持每天强调食品成本控制,并培训同事增强该方面意识。 ·Check the refrigerator food before each shift and replace the container in time if necessary. 每次交班前需检查冰箱食物,如有需要,及时更换盛器。 ·Develop and implement colleague training plans on a quarterly basis in conjunction with HR Department. 每季度和人力资源部一起执行并履行培训计划。 ·Implement and follow the daily departmental training program. 执行并遵循每日部门培训计划。 ·Participate in the training of colleagues according to the menu, including ingredients, preparation methods and unique tastes. 按照菜谱参与同事的培训,包括配料,备菜及独特的口味。 ·Regularly develop colleague activity plan to promote teamwork. 定期制定员工活动计划以促进团队合作。 ·Proper handling, maintaining and cleaning of equipment. 正确合理使用设备,及时维修保养。 ·Cooperate with guests, customers, groups, company representatives, vendors and local education system needs. Participate in the sales menu, VIP menu and any banquet requirements. 配合客人,客户,团体,公司代表,销售商及当地教育体制的需要。参与销售菜单,贵宾菜单及任何宴会的需求。 ·Be able to participate in the job cross-training when necessary and be transfer to other departments to assist the work. 按要求,参加岗位交叉培训,需要时能调至其他部门协助工作。 ·Train, coach, and counsel colleagues in order to reach a satisfactory level of productivity. 培训,指导并给同事提出一定的建议以达到令人满意的生产水平。 ·Coordinate with concerned departments for any issues which may arise in order to find immediate solution in the best interest to guest satisfaction. 与有关部门合作,旨在快速地找到令顾客满意的解决方案。 ·Actively promote cross-sectoral cooperation through frank communication. 通过坦诚的沟通,积极推动跨部门的合作。 ·Respond to guest questions in a correct and appropriate manner within 24 hours. 以正确且适当的方式24小时内回应客人的疑问。 ·Carry a monthly self-inspection and make sure kitchens are compliant with the Langham Brand Standard. 实行每月自我检查,确保厨房符合朗廷品牌标准。 ·Attend all meetings as required. 根据需要,参加所有的会议。 ·Perform any duties assigned by the Management. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。   REQUIREMENTS 职位要求   Education 教育学历 ·Culinary Education is preferred. 烹饪教育背景优先。   Experience 经验 ·At least four years related experience in this position in 5-star hotels. 至少具备四年5星级酒店相关工作经验。   Job Skill/Knowledge 工作技能/知识 ·Excellent culinary skills, while deliver top quality product and presentations. 完美的烹饪技巧,同时展现高质量的食物及摆盘。 ·Rich in culinary management and leadership experience. 丰富的餐饮管理与领导经验。 ·Comprehensive knowledge of food processing and hygiene standards. 全面的食品加工及卫生标准知识。 ·Strong organization skills and effective influence. 强大的组织能力和有效的影响力。 ·Good interpersonal conflict management skills and effective decision-making skills. 良好的处理同事关系冲突管理技巧和有效的决策力。 ·Knowledge of operating rules and safety standards. 具有运转规章及安全标准知识。   Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 ·Knowledge of MS office software, worked with Micros, Outlook and MC. 会使用微软办公软件,Micros, Outlook和MC。     Language Proficiency 语言能力 ·Good communication skills (verbal and listening and writing). 良好的沟通技巧(口语,听力及书写)。 ·Basic command of English in listening and speaking. 具备英语听说能力。
  • 西厨主管

    合肥 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
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    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 管理规范
    • 帅哥多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:28
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    PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 ·Ensure compliance with all local (Health Department) regulations. 确保遵守当地政府(卫生部门)的规定。 ·Set up working station properly and on time before each service period. 每次营业前,妥善地设置好制作台。 ·Pay attention to the quality, presentation and flavour. 注重食品的质量,摆盘呈现方式及味道。 ·Make sure that food is tasty, tempting presentation, fresh and safe. 确保食品新鲜美味,可口诱人,卫生安全。 ·Make sure all food is prepared by recipes. 确保所有食品严格按照配方制作。 ·Cold food for straight consumption is handled with gloves at all times. 取用直接食用的冷冻食品时必须戴手套。 ·Implement proper food preparation procedures and storage standards. 履行正确的备菜程序与贮藏标准。 ·Follow the principle of food use-First in first out. 遵循先进先出的食品使用原则。 · Maintain purchasing, receiving and food storage standards. 维持采购,收货及食品贮藏标准。 ·Apply for proper materials according to needs and instructions. 根据需要和指示,做好适当的物料申请。 ·All food items must be covered with cling film (or proper lid), dated, labeled and initialed by person who made it or used it first. 所有食品必须用保鲜膜(或大小适当的盖子)封好保存,由制作者或最初使用者制作标签、标明日期。 ·Support the Food and Beverage department's procedures for waste control. 支持餐饮部的各项程序对浪费的控制。 ·Conduct reasonable control of raw materials. 进行合理的原料控制。 ·Follow proper handling and right temperature of all food products. 遵循食品的适当处理及正确的保存温度。 ·Take temperature checks as required and keep record on the company standards sheets. 按要求检查温度并做好相关记录。 ·Ensure that Hygiene documents are filed in correctly and updated as necessary. 确保正确分类保存卫生方面的文件,并作必要的更新。 ·Use the cutting board correctly according to HACCP instructions at all times. 根据HACCP的指示,正确使用砧板。 ·Implement and follow HACCP system and correct Hygiene and Safety Standards. 实施及遵照HACCP系统执行正确的卫生和安全标准。 ·Ensure all colleagues follow all job safety regulations and all hazards are reported to the Security and Engineering. 确保所有的同事遵循工作安全规则,所有的危险都要报告给保安部及工程部。 ·Effectively report, investigate and follow up on colleague accidents. 有效的报告、调查及跟进员工事故。 ·Ensure that colleagues' uniforms are clean and tidy, especially in public areas and guest services. 确保同事的制服干净整洁,特别是在公共区域及对客服务时。 ·Hold periodically class room style training for new colleagues in order to increase professional knowledge skills. 定期对新进同事进行课堂式培训,帮助其增加相关职业知识技能。 ·Maintain a daily emphasis on food cost control and train colleagues to enhance their awareness. 坚持每天强调食品成本控制,并培训同事增强该方面意识。 ·Check the refrigerator food before each shift and replace the container in time if necessary. 每次交班前需检查冰箱食物,如有需要,及时更换盛器。 ·Implement and follow the daily departmental training program. 执行并遵循每日部门培训计划。 ·Participate in the training of colleagues according to the menu, including ingredients, preparation methods and unique tastes. 按照菜谱参与同事的培训,包括配料,备菜及独特的口味。 ·Regularly develop colleague activity plan to promote teamwork. 定期制定员工活动计划以促进团队合作。 ·Proper handling, maintaining and cleaning of equipment. 正确合理使用设备,及时维修保养。 ·Cooperate with guests, customers, groups, company representatives, vendors and local education system needs. Participate in the sales menu, VIP menu and any banquet requirements. 配合客人,客户,团体,公司代表,销售商及当地教育体制的需要。参与销售菜单,贵宾菜单及任何宴会的需求。 ·Be able to participate in the job cross-training when necessary and be transfer to other departments to assist the work. 按要求,参加岗位交叉培训,需要时能调至其他部门协助工作。 ·Train, coach, and counsel colleagues in order to reach a satisfactory level of productivity. 培训,指导并给同事提出一定的建议以达到令人满意的生产水平。 ·Coordinate with concerned departments for any issues which may arise in order to find immediate solution in the best interest to guest satisfaction. 与有关部门合作,旨在快速地找到令顾客满意的解决方案。 ·Actively promote cross-sectoral cooperation through frank communication. 通过坦诚的沟通,积极推动跨部门的合作。 ·Respond to guest questions in a correct and appropriate manner within 24 hours. 以正确且适当的方式24小时内回应客人的疑问。 ·Carry a monthly self-inspection and make sure kitchens are compliant with the Langham Brand Standard. 实行每月自我检查,确保厨房符合朗廷品牌标准。 ·Attend all meetings as required. 根据需要,参加所有的会议。 ·Perform any duties assigned by the Management. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。   REQUIREMENTS 职位要求   Education 教育学历 ·Culinary Education is preferred. 烹饪教育背景优先。 ·Priority should be given to a diploma issued by a certification authority or a professional trainer. 优先考虑持有由认证机构颁发的文凭或经过专业培训者。   Experience 经验 ·At least three years related experience in this position in 5-star hotels. 至少具备三年5星级酒店相关工作经验。   Job Skill/Knowledge 工作技能/知识 ·Good culinary skills, while deliver top quality product and presentations. 良好的烹饪技巧,同时展现高质量的食物及摆盘。 ·Comprehensive knowledge of food processing and hygiene standards. 全面的食品加工及卫生标准知识。 ·Strong effective influence. 有效的影响力。 ·Good interpersonal conflict management skills. 良好的处理同事关系冲突管理技巧。   Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 ·Knowledge of MS office software, worked with Micros, Outlook and MC. 会使用微软办公软件,Micros, Outlook和MC。   Language Proficiency 语言能力 ·Good communication skills (verbal and listening and writing). 良好的沟通技巧(口语,听力及书写)。 ·Basic command of English in listening and speaking. 具备英语听说能力。
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 管理规范
    • 帅哥多
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09:28
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    PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责 • Ensure compliance with all local (Health Department) regulations. 确保遵守当地政府(卫生部门)的规定。 • Set up working station properly and on time before each service period. 每次营业前,妥善地设置好制作台。 • Pay attention to the quality, presentation and flavour. 注重食品的质量,摆盘呈现方式及味道。 • Make sure that food is tasty, tempting presentation, fresh and safe. 确保食品新鲜美味,可口诱人,卫生安全。 • Make sure all food is prepared by recipes. 确保所有食品严格按照配方制作。 • Cold food for straight consumption is handled with gloves at all times. 取用直接食用的冷冻食品时必须戴手套。 • Wash hands before entering the kitchen or returning to work station. 进入厨房及回到操作台前先洗手。 • Implement proper food preparation procedures and storage standards. 履行正确的备菜程序与贮藏标准。 • Follow the principle of food use-First in first out. 遵循先进先出的食品使用原则。 • Maintain purchasing, receiving and food storage standards. 维持采购,收货及食品贮藏标准。 • Apply for proper materials according to needs and instructions. 根据需要和指示,做好适当的物料申请。 • All food items must be covered with cling film (or proper lid), dated, labeled and initialed by person who made it or used it first. 所有食品必须用保鲜膜(或大小适当的盖子)封好保存,由制作者或最初使用者制作标签、标明日期。 • Support the Food and Beverage department's procedures for waste control. 支持餐饮部的各项程序对浪费的控制。 • Conduct reasonable control of raw materials. 进行合理的原料控制。 • Follow proper handling and right temperature of all food products. 遵循食品的适当处理及正确的保存温度。 • Take temperature checks as required and keep record on the company standards sheets. 按要求检查温度并做好相关记录。 • Ensure that Hygiene documents are filed in correctly and updated as necessary. 确保正确分类保存卫生方面的文件,并作必要的更新。 • Use the cutting board correctly according to HACCP instructions at all times. 根据HACCP的指示,正确使用砧板。 • Implement and follow HACCP system and correct Hygiene and Safety Standards. 实施及遵照HACCP系统执行正确的卫生和安全标准。 • Ensure all colleagues follow all job safety regulations and all hazards are reported to the Security and Engineering. 确保所有的同事遵循工作安全规则,所有的危险都要报告给保安部及工程部。 • Effectively report, investigate and follow up on colleague accidents. 有效的报告、调查及跟进员工事故。 • Ensure that colleagues' uniforms are clean and tidy, especially in public areas and guest services. 确保同事的制服干净整洁,特别是在公共区域及对客服务时。 • Hold periodically class room style training for new colleagues in order to increase professional knowledge skills. 定期对新进同事进行课堂式培训,帮助其增加相关职业知识技能。 • Maintain a daily emphasis on food cost control and train colleagues to enhance their awareness. 坚持每天强调食品成本控制,并培训同事增强该方面意识。 • Check the refrigerator food before each shift and replace the container in time if necessary. 每次交班前需检查冰箱食物,如有需要,及时更换盛器。 • Implement and follow the daily departmental training program. 执行并遵循每日部门培训计划。 • Participate in the training of colleagues according to the menu, including ingredients, preparation methods and unique tastes. 按照菜谱参与同事的培训,包括配料,备菜及独特的口味。 • Regularly develop colleague activity plan to promote teamwork. 定期制定员工活动计划以促进团队合作。 • Proper handling, maintaining and cleaning of equipment. 正确合理使用设备,及时维修保养。 • Participate in the arrangement of the buffet at any time when necessary. 必要时,参与帮助自助餐的布置工作。 • Cooperate with guests, customers, groups, company representatives, vendors and local education system needs. Participate in the sales menu, VIP menu and any banquet requirements. 配合客人,客户,团体,公司代表,销售商及当地教育体制的需要。参与销售菜单,贵宾菜单及任何宴会的需求。 • Be able to participate in the job cross-training when necessary and be transfer to other departments to assist the work. 按要求,参加岗位交叉培训,需要时能调至其他部门协助工作。 • Train, coach, and counsel colleagues in order to reach a satisfactory level of productivity. 培训,指导并给同事提出一定的建议以达到令人满意的生产水平。 • Coordinate with concerned departments for any issues which may arise in order to find immediate solution in the best interest to guest satisfaction. 与有关部门合作,旨在快速地找到令顾客满意的解决方案。 • Actively promote cross-sectoral cooperation through frank communication. 通过坦诚的沟通,积极推动跨部门的合作。 • Respond to guest questions in a correct and appropriate manner within 24 hours. 以正确且适当的方式24小时内回应客人的疑问。 • Carry a monthly self-inspection and make sure kitchens are compliant with the Langham Brand Standard. 实行每月自我检查,确保厨房符合朗廷品牌标准。 • Attend all meetings as required. 根据需要,参加所有的会议。 • Perform any duties assigned by the Management. 执行任何管理层委托的工作。 REQUIREMENTS 职位要求 Education 教育学历 • Culinary Education is preferred. 烹饪教育背景优先。 • Priority should be given to a diploma issued by a certification authority or a professional trainer. 优先考虑持有由认证机构颁发的文凭或经过专业培训者。 Experience 经验 • At least two years related experience in this position in 5-star hotels. 至少具备两年5星级酒店相关工作经验。 Job Skill/Knowledge 工作技能/知识 • Good culinary skills, while deliver top quality product and presentations. 完美的烹饪技巧,同时展现高质量的食物及摆盘。 • Knowledge of food processing and hygiene standards. 具备食品加工及卫生标准知识。 • Good interpersonal conflict management skills. 良好的处理同事关系冲突管理技巧。 Computer Knowledge 电脑知识 • Knowledge of MS office software. 会使用微软办公软件。 Language Proficiency 语言能力 • Good communication skills (verbal and listening and writing). 良好的沟通技巧(口语,听力及书写)。
  • 合肥 | 3年以上 | 大专



    • 包吃包住
    • 每周两天休息
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 06-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.具体协调各餐厅/宴会部/食品生产部门之间的关系,并且有责任监督所有厨房员工的工作。 To co-ordinate, in detail on the Restaurant / Banquet / food production, and all specific duties to all employees under his supervision. 2.检查员工餐厅的摆台情况,确保按时为员工提供高标准的服务与食品。 To check all set-ups for restaurant functions. Responsible for the correct timing during service and to ensure that food served is always of the highest standards. 3.随时检查已准备好的食品的味道与温度。 To constantly check the quality of food prepared with regard to taste and temperature. 4.保持各类菜肴整体外观配套一致,且外观和修饰要符合酒店标准。 To insist on a uniform visual appearance of all dishes prepared. Presentation and garnish must be prepared according to standards. 5.监督并全面实施根据配料卡和分肉试验而进行分量控制,使浪费和变质最小化。 To monitor and fully implement the portion control established with the recipe cards and the butcher test. To minimize waste and spoilage. 6.检查库房和冰箱,做好正确储备和废物利用。 To check stores and refrigerators and be responsible for the proper storing and recycling of leftovers. 7.确保厨房和其他部门之间的交流畅通而有效。 Ensure smooth and effective communication among the kitchens and with other departments. 8.与收货部和库房密切合作,确保所收货物符合酒店规定的质量标准。 To work closely with receiving and storeroom. To make sure that received goods are of the standard quality and according to hotel’s specifications. 9.特别注意为员工提供的食品的新鲜度,外观和温度。 To constantly be alert on freshness, presentations and temperature of food served. 10.监督食品品味部门的工作,引导厨师长及时作新菜单的补充。 To supervise food tasting sessions and guide Sous Chef for new menu implementation. 12.每日按标准格式,完成所负责区域的工作日志,提交给人力资源行政总监。 To check with HRD on set-up prior to operations. 13.更新配料卡和菜单,制定促销计划。 Update menu recipe cards and menu planning for promotions.
  • 员餐厨师

    合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 年度旅游
    • 领导好
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 10:09
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1、检查食品质量,减少烹调原料在使用过程中浪费和损坏。 2、完成开餐、备餐的各项工作任务。 3、严格按照程序操作,保证出品质量。 4、按照菜式的投料标准和烹制方法制作菜肴。 5、清理工作台面,保持工作区域的清洁卫生,减少浪费。 6、按照操作规程使用各种设备,清洁各种用具,并摆放好。 7、合理使用厨房内各种设备,经常进行消毒,清洁和保养。 8、严格遵守卫生制度,保证食品安全。 9、在餐前检查所有的食品和出品。 10、完成上级指派的其他任务。  岗位要求: 1、从事烹饪工作2-3年以上。 2、熟练掌握烹饪知识。 3、责任心强,有良好的沟通协调能力。 4、有成本管控意识。 福利:双休,五险一金,带薪年假。
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 06-30
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、为客人和员工高效率的提供食物,做到物美价廉,要按照标准食谱制作并且符合食品卫生标准。提供高效率的服务。 2、在厨房运作方面支持厨房主管工作,保证计划和准备执行高质量的食品和摆设在指 定的餐厅。 3、根据标准食谱卡、为客人及员工准备和制作食品。严格按照菜谱、标准和摆盘标准。 4、正确操作所有的设备、器具和机器。 5、跟进员工餐的制作。 6、对于每位客人的要求作出回应使客人满意。 7、积极的学习和适当的改变。 8、参加并积极地参与所有的培训。 9、时刻理解、实践和促进团队的工作方法,达到使命和目标和部门的总体标准。 10清楚地了解酒店的消防和生命安全/应急程序。 11、熟练掌握厨房所有电气设备的使用并观察安全谨慎地处理他们。 12、完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。 【岗位要求】 1、高中或相等的学历,最好是专业烹饪学校 2、2年以上厨房烹饪及冷菜制作经验。 3、能够合理消耗所有产品和配料。 4、有能力按照事情的优先顺序按时完成任务。 5、在压力下很好地完成工作,保持冷静解決问题。 6、具备有与本职位相配的中西餐烹饪知识,高效率、高质量完成本职工作。 7、具备在食品安全体系方面的知识。。 8.身体健康,抗压力强,能按照事情的优先顺序按时完成任务。 9.持有烹饪专业证书,1年以上星级酒店厨房工作经验者优先。
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 每周两天休息
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 06-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.     The attached key areas, responsibilities and activities reflect the items considered necessary to describe the principal functions of the job identified and shall not be constructed as a detailed description of all the work requirements that may be inherent in the job. 所附的关键区域的工作内容及职责有必要阐述其主要职能而不是每天所有固有的详细工作要求 1.      To reflect the Mercure philosophy by providing the highest quality of service to our customers and employees. By always adopting a positive attitude and keeping the team spirit at the highest level 为客人和员工提供高水平的服务反映了美居酒店经营理念的要求。时刻拥有积极的工作态度和很强的团队合作精神 2.      To greet with a smile at all times to colleagues or guests anywhere in the hotel (front or back of the house) 任何时候在酒店的任何地方碰到同事或 客人都需要微笑着表示欢迎(酒店前台和后勤) 3.      To take pride in personal appearance for personal hygiene and uniform 对个人的仪容仪表及卫生和制服感到骄傲 4.      To  co-ordinate, in detail on the Restaurant / Banquet / food production, and all specific duties to employees under his supervision 同餐厅/宴会/食物生产协调详细情况,行政总厨和员工必须在他的管理下履行具体职责 5.      To check all set-ups for restaurant and banquet functions. Responsible for the correct timing during service and to ensure that food served is always of the highest standards 检查所有餐厅的建立和宴会功能。对正确的服务时间负责以确保总是能供应高水平的食物 6.      To constantly check the quality of food prepared with regard to taste and temperature 通过经常尝食和测温来确保食品的质量 7.      To insist on a uniform visual appearance of all dishes prepared. Presentation and garnish must be prepared according to standards 坚持所有准备食物外观的统一。外观和装饰一定要根据标准进行准备。 8.      To monitor and fully implement the portion control established with the recipe cards and the butcher test. To minimise waste and spoilage 监测和充分执行部分控制已建立的食谱卡和屠宰测试。以减少浪费和腐败 9.      To check stores and refrigerators and be responsible for the proper storing and recycling of leftovers 检查商店和电冰箱以对妥善储存和回收的剩菜负责 10.   Ensures smooth and effective communication among the kitchens and with other departments 确保厨房和其他部门顺利有效地沟通 11.   To constantly be alert on freshness, presentations and temperature of food served 同收货部和储存室密切合作。确保收到的货是标准的质量并符合酒店的规格 12.   Ensures food portioning, serving, requisitions / receiving from stores are properly controlled 保证从酒店获得的部分食物、服务、申请/接收是正当控制的 13.   Liase and work closely with the Chief Steward for pre-planning and execution of delivery and cleanliness of equipment 为规划和执行交付以及清洁设备同管事部经理密切合作 14.   To check all machinery, ensure proper maintenance and usage of the equipment, and follow up with Engineering on work order forms. Misuse of equipment should be reported and disciplinary action should be taken 检查所有机器确保设备是经过正当维修和使用,跟进工程部的维修单。错误使用设备需要报关并采取纪律处分。 15.   Ensures that staff follow the hygiene and sanitation procedures when handling food / equipment / utensils 当处理食物/设备/器具时要确保员工遵循卫生流程 16.   To ensure that working areas, working tables, working utensils such as carving boards, slicer, mixers, blenders, cutters, woks, pots, pans etc. are cleaned and sanitised as per FSMS policy 确保工作领域、工作桌、工作用具如雕刻板、切片机、搅拌机、刀具、炒锅、锅、平底锅等的清洗和消毒按照政策执行。 17.   To ensure that the refrigerators and deep freezers, ceiling, walls, floors and shelving etc. are clean at all times 确保了冰箱、冰柜、天花板、墙壁、地板和货架等随时保持干净 18.   To check drawers, under-counter refrigerators and reach-in refrigerators to ensure that they are clean, and the contents are always fresh and dated 检查抽屉、台面下冰箱和大型冷柜以确保它们是干净的,且内容是进行更新并注有日期的。 19.   To work closely with the Chief Steward and monitors that exhaust hoods, stoves, ovens, salamanders, deep freezers, steamers, filters, boiling pans, bain marie, hot and cold cabinets etc. are spotless and cleaned on a daily basis 配合管事经理,监视排气罩、炉灶、烤箱、冰柜、蒸汽机、过滤器、蒸煮锅、冷热柜等干净和清洁 20.   To ensure that all kitchen and stewarding employees adhere to the hotel grooming standards 确保厨房所有员工和管事员遵循酒店的仪容仪表 21.   To report to the Executive / Head Chef on all staff and operation matters 向行政总厨或厨师长汇报所有员工和运作的问题 22.   To monitor staff schedules and ensure punctuality at work 监视员工日程表以确保其按时上班 23.   To report all complains to the Executive / Head Chef 确保所有投诉都报告给了行政总厨/厨师长 24.   To conduct training classes for staff to develop their skills / new menu items 为员工开设培训课程以提高他们的技能/新菜单 25.   To guide the employee orientation for new hires 为新入职员工进行入职培训 26.   To ensure that staff are aware of hotel rules and regulations 确保员工知道酒店的规章制度 27.   To ensure that staff are trained on fire and safety and emergency procedures 确保员工进行了消防和生命安全以及应急程序培训 28.   To provide the necessary assistance / support to staff and Executive / Head Chef to achieve their goals 为员工和行政总厨提供支持以完成他们的目标 29.   Carries out other tasks as directed by supervisor 完成上级交代的其他任务。
  • 一级厨师

    合肥 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 50-99人
    发布于 08:11
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1. 根据工作标准,在指定厨房区域为客人和员工高效率的提供食物,在厨房运作方面支持厨房主管工作,保证提供高效率的服务,保持 HACCP 各方面要求。 2. 对于每位客人的要求做出回应使客人满意,积极的学习和适当的改变。 3. 时刻保持对同事和主管的专业和积极的态度,依据酒店的规则和员工手册的要求行事,参加并积极地参与所有的培训,确保部门的良好运营。   任职要求: 1. 身体健康,抗压力强,能按照事情的优先顺序按时完成任务。 2. 具备有与本职位相配的中西餐烹饪知识,高效率、高质量完成本职工作。 3. 持有烹饪专业证书, 1 年以上星级酒店厨房工作经验者优先。
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 年度旅游
    • 做五休二
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责/职位描述 1. 根据工作标准、备料单、照片及上级指示准备食物,协助厨师长培训员工; 2. 参与提高食品质量,保证厨房运作的顺利进行; 3. 当接到指示时厨房的所有区域都要进入工作状态; 4. 协助管理员工,为员工发展提供帮助,参与食物的质量控制,提高产品的菜色和味道; 5. 为客人和员工高效率的提供食物,做到物美价廉, 和 要 按 照 标 准食谱制作并且要符合食品卫生 ; 5. 协助厨师长管理厨房的正常运作,保证食品的高质量 ; 保证工作区域和存储区域的卫生、干净整洁。
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 每周双休
    • 八小时工作制
    • 优秀员工奖励
    • 法假三倍工资
    • 点名奖
    • 公寓住宿
    • 免费班车接送
    • 免费一日四餐
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 06-27
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.    Prepare the standard operation procedure of kitchen, the policy of foodsafety and sanitation, etc. Supervise all kitchen personnel to implementstrictly. 制定人才厨房的操作规程、安全及食品卫生管理等制度,并督促人才严格执行。 2.    Setting canteen weekly menu with varieties. 制定人才餐厅每周的菜单,品种要多样。 3.    In control of number for each meal and ensure the food quantity. 掌握每餐的用餐人数,确保菜肴的数量。 4.    Control monthly cost effectively including food and other expenses. 控制好每月餐厅的各项成本,包括食品和其他费用支出。 5.    Effectively monitor the quality of food, and make sure the food served isalways up to standard. 对菜肴质量进行有效监督,确保菜肴的质量。 6.    Responsible for the hygiene and cleanliness of both kitchen andrestaurant, and provide a clean environment for talent to have meals.  抓好厨房和餐厅的卫生工作,为人才提供一个洁静的用餐环境。 7.    Supervise subordinates and bring their initiative into play, so as to makesure the normal operation of the canteen, and its quality and efficiency. 管理好下属人才,充分发挥人才的积极性,确保餐厅的正常运营及工作质量和效率。 8.    Conduct necessary departmental training to improve talent cooking skillsand service skills. 组织安排部门内的人才培训,提高他们的烹饪和服务技能。 9.    Keep good communication with talent of each department, try to listen andfind out talent’s comments and suggestions on canteen food. 保持与人才的良好沟通,经常了解及听取人才对菜肴的意见和建议。 10.  Complete othertasks assigned. 完成上级交代的其他任务。完成/跟进领导指派的其他工作,参与酒店群内的内部支援。
  • 炉台厨师

    合肥 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 带薪年假
    • 购买五险
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-26
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    职位描述 岗位职责: 1、负责零点、宴会、团队会议等各类菜点的烹制、出品工作; 2、严格按照菜品主料、配料、调配和操作规程烹制,保证菜点质量; 3、了解客情及菜肴制作特殊要求,做好开餐前的各项准备工作; 4、对需要提前加工菜点,认真做好上粉、腌渍、煎炸、穿酿、挂排、上浆、滚、煨等半成品加工,然后按烹制要求上灶制作; 5、对客人有特殊要求的食品,采用特殊方法烹制,保证客人需求; 6、根据厨师长和领班安排,烹制厨房提供的特式茶点和食品节、美食节等美食菜点,积极进行产品创新; 7、按点菜单先后顺序及技术要求烹制各种食品,保证出品质量和出菜时间; 8、做好开餐前炊具、厨具、用具及调味品等的准备工作和炉灶卫生; 9、工作完毕,清洗灶头、生产工具和做好包干区卫生,保证烹制工作的顺利开展,对需修理的设备提出建议; 10、下班前认真检查,做好水、电、气等阀门的关闭情况,保证厨房的安全; 11、积极参加相关培训,提高综合技术水平; 12、完成上级交办的其他工作; 岗位要求: 1、 学历要求:职高及以上学历;烹饪专业毕业,有技术职称者优先考虑; 2、 体貌要求:五官端正,身体健康;诚实守信; 3、工作经验:具有1年以上中餐厨房炉台工作经验者优先考虑; 4、 基本素质:熟悉厨房生产流程和菜肴质量标准;工作责任心强,积极主动,对业务精益求精; 工作时间:月休4天,8小时工作制
  • 合肥 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 ·         Directly responsible for the production of the Dim sum food items 直接负责所有的点心食物 ·         Assist in developing and maintain the Chinese restaurant’s cuisine concepts and standards for food preparation and presentation. 帮助发展和保持中餐厅的美食理念、食品准备和展示的标准 ·         Maintain food cost by ensuring that proper preparation, inventory, requisition, food stocks and control systems are in place in all food preparations areas. Have all shelves and bins clearly labeled. Organize the section storeroom and refrigerated storage areas systematically with labels and store every items in the same place each time. 通过确保食品的准备工作、盘点、征用单、库存控制好食品开支。控制体系应在所有的食物准备区域是实行。所有的货架,箱子都应清晰的贴上标签。系统的管理货仓与冷藏室,为他们附上标签。每次储存的每样食品应在同一个地方 ·         Rotate all goods to maintain freshness. To be aware of storage requirements for specific food types – shelf life, temperature etc. Be on the lookout for “dead” stock and take steps to use or sell it. 循环更换所有货品以保持新鲜,注意特别的食品类型的储存要求---保存日期、温度等。留意没有用的库存,设法使用或是出售他们 ·         Take physical inventory when required. 需要时应亲自盘点 ·         To closely monitor the requirements in his section in the right quantity for the intended use. 在工作区域内检查必要用品,并根据需要确定适当的数量 ·         To enforce the IHG hotels food preparation and presentation guidelines to ensure consistent quality culinary offerings to our guests. 贯彻洲际酒店集团食品准备和展示的指导方针来确保提供给客人的食品的质量 ·         Supervises and prepares daily mise en place and assures that all sections are ready for service. During serving time, check every dish that is served to customers. 监督和准备每日的摆设,以确保所有服务区域都已准备就绪,在服务中检查每样提供给客人的每样菜品 ·         Maintain food safety & protection. All food in working areas should be in compliance with food handling techniques, to include dating, proper storage, rotation, etc. Maintain the basic food safety and sanitation in accordance with the company policies. To conduct daily checks all storage areas and maintain a high level of hygiene in all areas. 保证食物的安全、卫生。所有工作区域内的食物都应该与食物的操作技巧保持一致,包括日期、适当的储存、更换等。遵循酒店的政策保持基本食品德卫生。每日检查储存区域,保持所有区域高度的卫生 岗位要求 Required Skills – 技能要求 ·         Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. ·         完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 ·         Food service permit or valid health/food handler card as required by local government agency. ·         食品服务许可或当地政府规定的有效的卫生或食品上岗证。 ·         Ability to read and write English ·         具有英语读写能力。   Qualifications – 学历 ·         Diploma or Vocational Certificate in Culinary Arts or related field. ·         餐饮液术或相关专业的大专学历或职业证书。   Experience – 经验 ·         1 years related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience. ·         1年相关工作经历,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。
  • 合肥 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1. In absence of Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known  在经理缺席时进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的活动和运营要求。 2Prepares, cooks, serves and stores the following dishes:  进行以下菜肴的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作: o Appetizers, Savories, Salads and Sandwiches o 开胃菜、小菜、沙拉和三明治 o Applies organization skills for mise en place o 在开餐准备工作中发挥组织能力 o Sauces o 调味汁 o Produces hot and cold sauces for menu items ensuring consistency o 制作菜单上的冷、热调味汁并保证风格一致 o Eggs, Vegetables, Fruit, Rice and Farinaceous Dishes o 蛋、蔬菜、水果、米饭和谷粉制品 o Poultry and Game dishes o 禽类和野味 o Meat dishes o 荤菜 o meat marinades o 腌肉 o carve meats o 分割肉 o Fish and shell fish o 水产品 o sauces for fish and shell fish o 水产品用酱 o garnishing  techniques and methods of service for fish o 对鱼进行装饰的技巧和方法 o Decorate, portion and present o 装饰、切片和装盘 o Plates and Terrines o 肝酱和肉酱 o Chinese Regional Dishes  o 中国地方菜 3. Communicates politely and display courtesy to guests and internal customers 与客人和内部客户礼貌、友好的交流 。 4. Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards 指导厨房帮手,包括厨师、厨房服务员和管事的工作。 5. Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest or internal customer comment and other relevant information  与上级交流疑难问题,客人或内部客户的意见以及其它相关信息 。 6. Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系 。 7. Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled 按计划参加并参与每日例会及其它会议。 8. Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled 按计划参加培训活动 。 9. Prepares in advance food, beverage, material and equipment needed for the service 事先准备服务所需的食品、饮料、材料和设备。 10. Cleans and re-sets his/her working area 清洁并整理工作区域。 11. Implements the hotel and department regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: 实施酒店和部门的规定、政策和工作程序,包括但不限于:   o House Rules and Regulation o 酒店的规则和规定 o Health and Safety o 健康和安全 o Grooming o 仪表仪容 o Quality  o 质量 o Hygiene and Cleanliness  o 卫生和清洁 Required Skills – 技能要求  • Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. • 完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 • Food service permit or valid health/food handler card as required by local government agency. • 食品服务许可或当地政府规定的有效的卫生或食品上岗证。 • Problem solving and training abilities. • 解决问题和培训的能力。 Experience – 经验  • 2 years experience as a cook or an equivalent combination of education and experience. • 2年厨师工作经历或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 年度旅游
    • 做五休二
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.   Cooks, preparesand bakes food for associates as per the standard recipes. 根据标准食谱为员工准备和制作食品 2.   Guidessubordinates in the preparation and presentation of dishes. 指导下属员工菜品的准备和摆盘 3.   Follows theoutlined standard and procedures precisely. 遵守本部门的标准和程序 4.   Maintain highstandards of personal hygiene, grooming and presentation. 保持高标准的个人卫生及形象 5.   Ensures correctand safe use of all equipment, machinery and tools. 确保正确安全的使用所有设备、机器和工具 6.   Always maintainshigh standards of food hygiene, cleanliness and tidiness in the kitchen,storage, fridge’s and freezers. 高标准的保持工作区域、存储区域、保鲜及冷冻冰箱的卫生、干净整洁 7.   Makes sure thatall food items are received, checked and stored correctly. 保证准备收货和充足的库存 8.   Ensures that allthe kitchen equipment is in good working order and reports any faults or damage. 保证所有的厨房设备正常工作。如有问题马上报修 9.   Participates inongoing training of subordinates. 参与培训和发展员工 10. Attends allscheduled training at his, her level. 参加所有相应级别的培训 11. Maintains a safeand secure working environment. 维持一个安全可靠的工作环境 12. Initiates actionto correct a hazardous situation and notify supervise/managers of potentialdanger. 采取行动排除危险,向上级报告危险隐患 13. Comply with allhotel and corporate guidelines. 遵守酒店和公司的所有工作指南 14. Abide by theWestin Hefei Baohe Code of Conduct. 遵守威斯汀行为准则 15. Abide by theWestin Hefei Baohe Employee Handbook. 遵守威斯汀员工手册 16. Workseffectively to promote harmony and teamwork.  在团队内有效工作 17. Other tasks. 完成上级交待的其它任务 18. Followall company policies and procedures. 遵循万豪集团及酒店的所有政策和程序
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    • Prepare, bake and finish desserts, breads and other baked goods in accordance with departmental quality standards.  Assist with advanced presentations. • 按照部门质量标准制作,烘烤和完成甜品、面包和其它烘烤食品。协助高级的外观。 Prepares, cooks, serves and stores the following dishes: • 进行以下饭菜的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作: • Pastry, cakes and yeast goods • 面点、蛋糕和发酵食品 o petits fours o 法式小点心 o desserts o 甜点 • Hot and cold deserts • 冷、热甜点 o Decorate, portion and present o 装饰、切片和装盘 • Asian Desserts • 亚洲甜点 o Produces a range of liquid and solid deserts o 制作各种液体和固定甜点 o Produces and presents a range of steamed sweet rice based desserts o 制作各种蒸甜米饭和甜点并装盘 o Produces baked desserts o 制作烤制甜点 • Communicates politely and display courtesy to guests and internal customers • 与客人和内部客户礼貌、友好的交流 。 • Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Cooks, Kitchen Attendants and Stewards • 指导厨房帮手,包括厨师、厨房服务员和管事的工作。 • Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest or internal customer comment and other relevant information • 与上级交流疑难问题,客人或内部客户的意见以及其它相关信息 。 • Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships • 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系 。 • Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled • 按计划参加并参与每日例会及其它会议。 • Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled • 按计划参加培训活动 。 • Prepares in advance food, beverage, material and equipment needed for the service • 事先准备服务所需的食品、饮料、材料和设备。 • Cleans and re-sets his/her working area • 清洁并整理工作区域。 • Implements the hotel and department regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to: • 实施酒店和部门的规定、政策和工作程序,包括但不限于:   o House Rules and Regulation o 酒店的规则和规定 o Health and Safety o 健康和安全 o Grooming o 仪表仪容 o Quality  o 质量 o Hygiene and Cleanliness  o 卫生和清洁 • Performs related duties and special projects as assigned • 执行被分派的相关任务和特殊项目 Required Skills – 技能要求 • Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. • 完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 • Food service permit or valid health/food handler card as required by local government agency. • 食品服务许可或当地政府规定的有效的卫生或食品上岗证。 • Problem solving and training abilities. • 解决问题和培训的能力。 Experience – 经验 • 1 years related experience or formal training or an equivalent combination of education and experience. • 1年相关工作经历或与正式培训,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。
  • 合肥 | 5年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 带薪年假
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 绩效工资
    • 职工社保
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-27
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    工作地点:安徽省池州市东至县城(介意者慎思) 岗位职责 1、直接向行政总厨负责,并能不断向餐饮部指出新的餐饮主向的工作计划。 2、保证所有的厨房正常工作。 3、检查厨师的仪容仪表及个人卫生。 4、确保所有采购食品的质量。 5、建立各种控制体系(卫生、成本等)正常运作、 6、极积开创新菜,制订餐厅的菜单、自助单及特殊菜单。 岗位要求 1、高中学历,同岗位工作经验5年以上。 2、接受过专业技术训练,达到厨师技术水平。 3、有丰富的技术及行政经验。 4、懂得成本核算,食物原料及食品营养知识。 5、身体健康,精力充沛。
  • 面点厨师

    合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 带薪年假
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 绩效工资
    • 职工社保
    全服务中档酒店/4星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-27
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、掌握点心及面包的制作技术,负责制作各种面点及配料,掌握各种点心的风味。 2、负责内部日常所用原料的领用,协助制定采购计划。 3、严格执行食品卫生法则,把好质量关,搞好本区域卫生,要求工具清洁,摆放整齐。 4、掌握食品成本核算,协助厨师长制定点心部供应的面点及售价以及毛利率核算。 5、注意安排各种宴会技术力量的合理分配,保证生产流程畅通,合理使用货源,按季节定期更换花色品种,不断改革更新,满足客人要求。 6、合理使用原材料,降低成本以便酒店获得最佳效益。 【岗位要求】 1、 高中以上学历,有在星级酒店或西餐厅从事面点制作工作经验5年以上 2、 熟悉餐饮的相关知识及礼仪。 3、 熟练面点制作工艺及高超技能。
  • 合肥 | 2年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-27
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1、身高172cm以上,中专及以上学历水平,能吃苦耐劳,责任心强。 2、有丰富的西餐冷菜经验,要求 星级酒店2年以上同岗位工作经历。 3、擅长带领团队,有一定业务技能培训能力。 4、能推陈出新,有一定的创新能力。 5、不得有触犯国家法律、法规被依法拘留、追究刑事责任等违法行为 6、薪资面议。
  • 西厨房领班

    合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 每周两天休息
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 06-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.      The attached key areas, responsibilities and activities reflect the items considered necessary to describe and shall not be constructed as a detailed description of all the work requirements that may be inherent in the job. 所附的关键区域的工作内容及职责有必要阐述其主要职能而不是每天所有固有的详细工作要求 2.      Thorough knowledge of the establishment’s facilities and personnel involved 建立的设备和人事知识 3.      Good knowledge of food service techniques and menu contents 良好的食品服务技巧和菜谱内容知识 4.      Aware of the hotel fire and safety and emergency procedures 知道酒店消费和生命安全及应急程序 5.      Contributes and works as a team in the general operations of the kitchen(s), offering to assist fellow colleagues when required 厨房整体运作团队奉献精神,当同事需要帮助时能提供帮助 6.      Maintains a professional and friendly attitude towards guests during contact 与客人接触时保持一个专业和友好的态度 7.      Ensures a clean, professional appearance according to hotel grooming standards 根据酒店仪容仪表标准确保一个干净专业的形象 8.      Acquainted and familiar with the use of all electrical and mechanical equipment in the kitchen and observes the safety precautions when handling them 熟练掌握厨房所有电气设备的使用并观察安全谨慎地处理他们 9.      Practices the hygiene and sanitation procedures set by the hotel when handling food 处理食物时运用酒店的卫生和消毒程序 10.   Ensures proper use and cleaning of equipment in order to prolong the use and prevent damage 为了延长使用时间防止损坏确保适当的使用清洁设备 11.   Practices economy where food, paper supplies, electricity and water are concerned 经济地运用食物、纸、相关的电和水 12.   Maintains strict control on food portioning and wastage, ensuring gross food profitability 保持严格控制少量食物以免浪费以确保食物的毛利 13.   Ensures that all staff receive on the job training and have the necessary skills to carry out their duties with the maximum efficiency 确保所有员工接受了工作培训并有必要的技能去最好地执行他们的职责 14.   Builds an efficient team of staff and ensure a continued improvement by taking an active interest in the welfare, development and motivation of the staff 建立一个有效地员工团队确保实际行为提高的员工有相应的福利以发展和激励员工 15.   Ensures all staff have a clear understanding of the hotel fire and safety / emergency procedures 确保所有员工都清楚地了解酒店的消防和生命安全/应急程序 16.   Checks staff punctuality and grooming 检查员工的准时性和仪容仪表 17.   Ensures that staff are briefed on the hotel rules and regulations, which are to be strictly followed 晨会上讲解酒店规章制度以便于严格遵循 18.   Ensures that food quality and standards are maintained at all times when preparing for restaurant and banquet functions 确保准备给餐厅和宴会的食物质量和标准 19.   Assist in food stock taking as required 帮助设立要求的食物库存 20.   Adheres to all rules and regulations set by the management 管理层的所有规章制度要保持一致 21.   Ensures that mise-en-place is completed prior to service 服务优先 22.   Assist the Executive Chef as required 提供行政总厨需要的帮助 23.   Helps promote the hotel's range of services on offer (eg. the bar) by anticipating customer needs and responding to guests' requests. 通过推测客人的需求和为客人提供帮助来推销酒店的服务 24.   Helps gain guests' loyalty by being present, available and ready to listen. 通过人性化,有效地和聆听的方式获得客人的忠诚度 25.   To have a good working relationship with colleagues. 与同事维持一个良好的工作关系。 26.   To understand, support and encourage all colleagues. 理解、支持、鼓励所有同事。 27.   Ensures the quality and cleanliness of all food displays to the minimum standards of the Company 确保所有食物的展示质量和清洁度是最符合公司标准的 28.   Applies the hotel's safety regulations. 采用酒店的安全制度 29.   Ensures that staff are fully aware and complies with the FSMS guidelines set by Novotel 确保员工都知道并遵循诺富特酒店指南 30.   To be ready and responsible To perform any other duties as designated or required by Management from time To time. 应随时准备好酒店根据运行需要所分配的其他工作。 完成/跟进领导指派的其他工作,参与酒店群内的内部支援。
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 每周双休
    • 八小时工作制
    • 优秀员工奖励
    • 法假三倍工资
    • 点名奖
    • 公寓住宿
    • 免费班车接送
    • 免费一日四餐
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 06-27
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1.     The attached key areas, responsibilities and activities reflect the items considered necessary to describe the principal functions of the job identified and shall not be constructed as a detailed description of all the work requirements that may be inherent in the job. 所附的关键区域的工作内容及职责有必要阐述其主要职能而不是每天所有固有的详细工作要求 1.      To reflect the Mercure philosophy by providing the highest quality of service to our customers and employees. By always adopting a positive attitude and keeping the team spirit at the highest level 为客人和员工提供高水平的服务反映了美居酒店经营理念的要求。时刻拥有积极的工作态度和很强的团队合作精神 2.      To greet with a smile at all times to colleagues or guests anywhere in the hotel (front or back of the house) 任何时候在酒店的任何地方碰到同事或 客人都需要微笑着表示欢迎(酒店前台和后勤) 3.      To take pride in personal appearance for personal hygiene and uniform 对个人的仪容仪表及卫生和制服感到骄傲 4.      To  co-ordinate, in detail on the Restaurant / Banquet / food production, and all specific duties to employees under his supervision 同餐厅/宴会/食物生产协调详细情况,行政总厨和员工必须在他的管理下履行具体职责 5.      To check all set-ups for restaurant and banquet functions. Responsible for the correct timing during service and to ensure that food served is always of the highest standards 检查所有餐厅的建立和宴会功能。对正确的服务时间负责以确保总是能供应高水平的食物 6.      To constantly check the quality of food prepared with regard to taste and temperature 通过经常尝食和测温来确保食品的质量 7.      To insist on a uniform visual appearance of all dishes prepared. Presentation and garnish must be prepared according to standards 坚持所有准备食物外观的统一。外观和装饰一定要根据标准进行准备。 8.      To monitor and fully implement the portion control established with the recipe cards and the butcher test. To minimise waste and spoilage 监测和充分执行部分控制已建立的食谱卡和屠宰测试。以减少浪费和腐败 9.      To check stores and refrigerators and be responsible for the proper storing and recycling of leftovers 检查商店和电冰箱以对妥善储存和回收的剩菜负责 10.   Ensures smooth and effective communication among the kitchens and with other departments 确保厨房和其他部门顺利有效地沟通 11.   To constantly be alert on freshness, presentations and temperature of food served 同收货部和储存室密切合作。确保收到的货是标准的质量并符合酒店的规格 12.   Ensures food portioning, serving, requisitions / receiving from stores are properly controlled 保证从酒店获得的部分食物、服务、申请/接收是正当控制的 13.   Liase and work closely with the Chief Steward for pre-planning and execution of delivery and cleanliness of equipment 为规划和执行交付以及清洁设备同管事部经理密切合作 14.   To check all machinery, ensure proper maintenance and usage of the equipment, and follow up with Engineering on work order forms. Misuse of equipment should be reported and disciplinary action should be taken 检查所有机器确保设备是经过正当维修和使用,跟进工程部的维修单。错误使用设备需要报关并采取纪律处分。 15.   Ensures that staff follow the hygiene and sanitation procedures when handling food / equipment / utensils 当处理食物/设备/器具时要确保员工遵循卫生流程 16.   To ensure that working areas, working tables, working utensils such as carving boards, slicer, mixers, blenders, cutters, woks, pots, pans etc. are cleaned and sanitised as per FSMS policy 确保工作领域、工作桌、工作用具如雕刻板、切片机、搅拌机、刀具、炒锅、锅、平底锅等的清洗和消毒按照政策执行。 17.   To ensure that the refrigerators and deep freezers, ceiling, walls, floors and shelving etc. are clean at all times 确保了冰箱、冰柜、天花板、墙壁、地板和货架等随时保持干净 18.   To check drawers, under-counter refrigerators and reach-in refrigerators to ensure that they are clean, and the contents are always fresh and dated 检查抽屉、台面下冰箱和大型冷柜以确保它们是干净的,且内容是进行更新并注有日期的。 19.   To work closely with the Chief Steward and monitors that exhaust hoods, stoves, ovens, salamanders, deep freezers, steamers, filters, boiling pans, bain marie, hot and cold cabinets etc. are spotless and cleaned on a daily basis 配合管事经理,监视排气罩、炉灶、烤箱、冰柜、蒸汽机、过滤器、蒸煮锅、冷热柜等干净和清洁 20.   To ensure that all kitchen and stewarding employees adhere to the hotel grooming standards 确保厨房所有员工和管事员遵循酒店的仪容仪表 21.   To report to the Executive / Head Chef on all staff and operation matters 向行政总厨或厨师长汇报所有员工和运作的问题 22.   To monitor staff schedules and ensure punctuality at work 监视员工日程表以确保其按时上班 23.   To report all complains to the Executive / Head Chef 确保所有投诉都报告给了行政总厨/厨师长 24.   To conduct training classes for staff to develop their skills / new menu items 为员工开设培训课程以提高他们的技能/新菜单 25.   To guide the employee orientation for new hires 为新入职员工进行入职培训 26.   To ensure that staff are aware of hotel rules and regulations 确保员工知道酒店的规章制度 27.   To ensure that staff are trained on fire and safety and emergency procedures 确保员工进行了消防和生命安全以及应急程序培训 28.   To provide the necessary assistance / support to staff and Executive / Head Chef to achieve their goals 为员工和行政总厨提供支持以完成他们的目标 29.   Carries out other tasks as directed by supervisor 完成上级交代的其他任务。
  • 合肥 | 5年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 公积金10%
    • 丰厚的年终奖
    • 工龄奖励
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-27
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.按照下达的任务单,组织面点师制作各种面点产品。 2.检查本组员工仪容仪表及个人卫生。 3.注重质量,严格把好面点制作质量关。 4.协助厨师长拟定点心成本及控制毛利率。 5.提出面点新品种及推销方案报厨师长审定。 6.负责本组员工的考勤工作。 7.根据员工特点做好技术指导和业务培训。 岗位要求 1.专科学历以上,熟练的专业英语交流能力。 2.具有西饼房相关管理工作经验5年以上。 3.熟悉西式面包制作,有一定的创新意识 。
  • 上什厨师

    合肥 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    • 管理规范
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-27
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位要求: (1)身体健康,能吃苦耐劳,有1年以上酒店上什厨师工作经验。 (2)具有强烈的责任心,勇于开拓和创新,作风干练; (3)热爱本职工作,有团队合作精神,为人踏实,积极肯干; (4)熟知食品的搭配及营养学知识,熟练掌握蒸锅的使用及蒸,煎,煮。烩等技能。 (5)不得有触犯国家法律、法规被依法拘留、追究刑事责任等违法行为。
  • 合肥 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 节日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 人性化管理
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 06-28
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1. Prepares kitchen equipment for use 厨房设备使用前的准备工作 2. Assists with checking and receiving goods  协助检查和接收物品 3. Store goods 存放物品 4. Maintain storage areas  维护仓库区 5. Clean and store equipment 清洁和存放设备 6. Clean premises 清理厨房 7. Handle waste and linen 处理废品和布巾 8. Maintain a hygienic kitchen 保持厨房的卫生 9. Clean the kitchen and equipment 清洁厨房和设备 10. Maintain personal hygiene 保持个人卫生 11. Attend to all briefings 参加所有的说明会 12. Participate in training 参加培训 Required Skills – 技能要求 • Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. • 完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。 Experience – 经验 • N.A. • 无
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