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  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    作为会计,您将应以最高标准完成以下任务: 日审工作内容 ·        协助日审审计每日收入数据,支持报告和凭证; ·        协助日审确保每日及每月收入和付款及时调节; ·        协助日审确保所有收入被记录和报告; ·        协助日审确保所有礼券或免费券根据政策得到控制; ·        协助日审审计电话自动挂账报告以确保所有电话收入已被挂账; ·        协助日审审计宽带链接报告以确保所有因特网收入被挂账; ·        协助日审核对挂入每日报告中的交易,包括但不限于信用卡,城市分类帐,员工折扣,支出,折扣及减免,杂费,作废,停车场收入及房间安全钥匙; ·        协助日审准备折扣和减免汇总表及减免凭证; ·        协助日审给财务总监准备每日收入报告; ·        协助日审审计每日总出纳员的报告; ·        协助日审在相关报告中记录收银员现金多余/不足,并同零售点经理或前台经理跟进相关事宜; ·        协助日审审计每日餐饮报告并核对在总出纳员报告中出纳员的交款额; ·        协助日审确保所有餐厅和酒吧的账单被正确记账; ·        协助日审确保所有宴会收入被记入; ·        在协助日审电脑系统出现故障全面熟悉酒店手工操作紧急计划,以确保所有手工处理程序遵照执行。
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    杭州 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责客房部所有文件的收发、归类和存档工作。 2、管理部门的人事档案、印章及各种工作资料。 3、为部门经理准备各种需要签批的申请。 4、负责部门物资收货盘点,制作数据报表。 5、负责做好上传下达及与各部门的联络沟通,部门经理不在的情况下,帮助处理日常事务和来访接待工作。 6、负责各类办公用品的领取与发放。 7、汇总每月考勤、考核报表,部门培训计划,培训报告按时送至人事行政办公室。 9、协助部门经理做好宾客意见的收集整理工作及部门经理交办的所有工作内容。 【岗位要求】 1、大专以上文化程度或具备文员方面的专业知识。 2、熟练使用电脑操作,WPS办公软件,钉钉系统操作。 3、有一定的写作能力和应变处理问题的能力。 4、中英文听说读写能力。 5、身体健康、精力充沛、五官端正、责任心强。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
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    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    MAJOR FUNCTION 主要功能 : Greet and serve the guest by Marriott standards of food and beverage quality, presentation and sanitation, and in a gracious and professional manner. Display aggressive hospitality through positive personality with both guest and fellow associates. Take pride in all facets of service with a clean professional appearance and keep a sparkling clean dining room at all times. 用热情的态度,专业的服务,问候每位客人。提供客人万豪标准的餐饮,卫生和服务。保持积极乐观的态度,热情的对待同事和招待客人。展示一个整洁,专业的形象,保持就餐区的干净,并以此和所做的每一项服务而感到自豪。   MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 責任概要 : 1. Follow all Marriott policies and procedures. 遵守万豪的规章制度和行为准则。 2. Comply with the “clean as you go” policy. 遵守“走前整洁”的条例。. 3. Report to work on scheduled days at the scheduled time. 按时上班。. 4. Report to work in uniform following all appearance standards. 根据统一着装标准,着工作服上班。 5. Work as a TEAM. 团队协作。. 6. Follow all safety policies to ensure a safe work area. 遵守安全条例,营造稳定的工作区域。. 7. Honour all reasonable work-related requests made by a manager or supervisor, which may be outside your normal job activities, to achieve complete guest satisfaction and service throughout the Hotel. 更好的满足客人的需求,服务于整个宾馆,要执行完成经理和管理者提出的与工作相关的合理的要求,即使这些要求有可能超出你日常的.工作范围。 8. Check out with your supervisor before leaving your station or the floor for any reason. 任何理由都不准员工,在未得到经理的批准之前,离开工作岗位和工作区域。.   SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任務 : 1. Check your station, prior to opening, for cleanliness of tables and chairs, proper set-up of salt and pepper, sugar, ashtrays, flowers, lamp, clean cutlery and glassware. 检查站立位置,开门优先,整洁桌椅,正确放置盐,胡椒粉,糖,烟灰碟,装饰花,台灯,干净的刀叉餐具和玻璃杯。 2. Do all necessary opening and closing side work according to the side work schedule. 根据时间表,执行开门和关门的辅助工作。 3. Have all necessary tools ready: tray, pen, bus towel, corkscrew, etc. 必备所需工具,如:碟盘,笔,手巾,瓶塞钻等。 4. Develop a complete knowledge of menu items, their garnish, contents and preparation methods. Be ready to answer any guest questions about the menu in a positive and concise way. Know the use records. 熟知菜谱上食物的饰菜,材料,烹饪方式等。正确回答客人提出与菜谱内容相关的问题。 5. Operate the Point of Sale terminal correctly and follow all Marriott check-closing procedures. 根据万豪的准则,正确执行“销售指标”的目标。 6. Practice aggressive hospitality and use Suggestive Selling techniques when taking guest’s order. 接收到客人的要求时,热情招待,并运用“建议式购买”的方法。 7. Develop a good knowledge of beverages, liquors, and wine service. 熟知饮料,酒类,并了解酒类的服务知识。 8. Pick up and present food and beverages according to standard service procedures. Properly bus the table throughout the meal. By dessert, all condiments, dirty dishes and silverware should be cleared, except sugar and appropriate silverware and beverage glasses that are not empty. Pay special attention to finer points of service, i.e., replacing ashtrays, water glasses filled, checking back just after serving entrée, keeping proper posture and being personable, but limiting conversation. 根据服务标准步骤,递送菜肴和饮品。甜点环节,除了糖,甜点专用的餐具,和未空的杯子,撤下所有的佐味料,用过的餐盘和银质餐具。上完菜后,再次确认。客人用餐时,保持正确的站姿,注意形象,限制交谈。 9. Bus, clean and reset the table according to standard procedures. 根据标准,清理,铺设桌面。 10. Chewing gum or smoking is not allowed while on duty. 上班时间,不准咀嚼口香糖,不准吸烟。 11. Attend all meetings or training seminars as required. 如有需要,参加各种会议和培训。 12. Study and follow the Associate’s Training Manual. 学习并遵守员工培训守则。 JOB SPECIFICATION職位要求 : Profile of Competency 工作能力:  Guest-focused outgoing personality with a good smile. 性格开朗,保持微笑  Ability to meet standards of appearance. 五官端正.  An honest self-starter with a cool, organized disposition. 为人诚实,做事主动,遇事冷静,有条理。  Can meet needs of guest satisfaction within company guidelines. 根据公司的条例,满足客人的需求。. Language 語言能力:  Demonstrated good communication skills in Mandarin. English preferred. 具有良好的沟通能力,会英语者优先 Education 教育:  Minimum Vocational School 中专以上学历 Job License  資格 / 等級証:  N/A
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 責任概要 : Serving guests at the front desk while providing the highest lever of service possible in an efficient, courteous and professional manner by following Marriott standards of aggressive hospitality and adhering to guidelines and procedures. 对客提供高品质、高效率的服务,礼节及专业行为遵循万豪服务品牌标准、政策与程序。   SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任務 :   Answer the phones according to the standards of proper etiquette and within three rings; Greeting guest friendly and warmly. Address in-house guest by name.    按照标准礼仪在铃响三声内接起电话;热情友好问候客人,对于酒店内客人要称呼姓名。 Attend daily briefings conducted by the Assistant Front Office Manager/Guest Service Manager at the beginning of each shift. 每班上岗前参加前厅副经理 / 宾客服务经理主持的交班会。 Maintain cash float and accurately handle monies at all times. 任何时候确保备用金充足和准确。 Review arrival information on a daily basis; VIP, Regular guests, Groups, special requests etc. 每班检查当日抵店客人信息,包括贵宾、回头客人、团队的情况以及特别要求。 Check house status. 查看房态。 Assign the rooms according guest’s request, preference and rooms control policy. Set up pre-registered and VIP reservations. 按照客人的订房要求和喜好以及房间控制的政策分房。准备需要预分配的房间和贵宾预订。 Performs room, rate and/or name changes. 执行换房,改价或更改姓名。 Check in & check out individual guests and group. 为团队和散客办理入住和退房手续。 Check all arriving tours and do room assignments. Make copies of final tour list. 查看预抵团队并分配房号。复印团单。 Review the name billing for the departure VIP/Long staying/group/meeting group’s billing, and make the necessary preparation. 提前查看预计退房的贵宾 / 长住客 / 团队 / 会议团队的账单,并做必要的准备。 Anticipate guest’s needs through observation and offer prompt, efficient service either personally or through effective communication with other associates. 通过观察或与其他同事的交流预见客人的需求,提供快速高效以及个性化的服务。 Consistently strive to meet and exceed the expectations of both internal and external guests. 始终努力达到和超越外部和内部客人的期望。 Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of Front Office procedures and computer system such like Opera and key card system. 充分掌握前厅的产品和电脑系统操,例如 OPERA 和钥匙卡系统。 Deal with all guest requests promptly, taking personal responsibility to ensure guest satisfaction. 对客人的要求反应迅速,主动承担责任满足客人的需求。 To check all mails messages, packages and other items held for arrival guest. 按照酒店的标准称始终称呼客人的姓名。 Use guest name whenever possible in accordance with hotel standards. 检查是否有预抵客人的邮见,包裹和其它物品。 Handle guest messages, facsimiles and mail, ensuring that the information is passed on are accurate, complete and promptly delivered. 处理客人的留言,传真和邮件,确保上述信息准确、完整、迅速的送达客人。 Convey information and messages to appropriate personnel in a timely and efficient manner. 迅速有效的传达信息和留言。 Effectively communicate and liaise with associates on all levels, understanding the importance of   teamwork within hotel operations. 有效的与其他同事沟通和联络,理解酒店运作中团队合作的重要性。 Promote the hotel and Wanda products and services. 促销饭店与万达的产品与服务。 Maintain a high level of product and service knowledge in order to explain and sell services and facilities to guests. 维持对产品和服务的高度了解以便于向客人解释及销售服务和设施。 Be aware of facilities and points of interest within the city and surrounding areas to assist with any guest inquiries. 了解当地及周边情况,为客人提供解答及帮助。 Be familiar with all room types, availability, rates, group movements and billing, daily events, promotions, VIP’ s and frequent guests. 熟知房型、房态、房价、团队活动和账单、每日重大活动、促销、重要贵宾和常客。 Ensure that all guests are warmly welcomed and recognized in accordance with hotel standards and the goals of   Marriott. 确保客人受到欢迎和认知,与酒店标准和万豪标准一致。 Ensure all necessary information is obtained upon check-in, following hotel credit procedures. 确保客人入住时得到所有必要的信息,执行酒店的信用程序。 Be familiar with all vouchers and group billing procedures. 熟知所有的凭单及团队结账程序。 Assist with daily Marriott Member and frequent guest program administration. 负责万豪会员宾客及常住客的日常接待工作。 Adhere to hotel credit procedures and policies at all times. 任何时候严格执行酒店的信用政策和程序。 Handle the guest checkout process, ensuring billing processes and manual postings are conducted in   accordance with hotel standards. 处理客人退房程序,确保账单和手工入账符合酒店标准。 Be fully conversant and efficient in dealing with foreign currencies and their exchange rates in order to provide foreign exchange services to guests. 熟悉可供兑换的外币以及兑换率以便提供外币兑换服务。 Issue safety deposit boxes, cut and issue guest room keys in adherence with hotel security policy and procedures. 提供保险箱服务,根据酒店的安全政策和程序取消和发放客房钥匙卡。 Maintain daily logbook and conduct informative handover to next shift ensuring that all relevant information is passed on clearly and any guest’s request are recorded. 完成工作日志,与下一班进行充分的交接,以确保所有信息被清晰传递 , 所有客人要求被记录。 Maintain a clean and tidy work area in accordance with the hotel standards. 按照酒店标准,确保工作区域的清洁。 Adhere to hotel policy regarding uniform and personal presentation. 工服着装和仪容仪表符合酒店规定。 Ensure that the Duty Manager is informed immediately of any emergency, security or health & safety matter. 确保任何突发事件,安全及健康事件立即通知值班经理。 Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time. 承担其他实时被委派的职责。 Be knowledge about Mobile check in, and know the daily mobile check in guest information. Lunch the control panel hourly, and operate as the right standard. Block room in system, and prepare the welcome folder, use the appropriate sentence warmly welcome mobile check in guest and escorting services. 了解手机办理入住的标准操作程序 , 知道当日申请手机办理入住的客人信息,每 1 小时登录控制面板,并按标准程序来执行操作。提前准备房间及文件夹,用正确的话语来欢迎及引领手机办理入住的客人。 Be knowledge about Guest Voice system, know 6 keys points and department goal. Know department daily score and goal achievement status. Always provide warmly services to our customer, will to talk and get comments with guest, share guest’s feedback with related department and GSM, work to enhance guest’s staying experience. 了解客人满意度调查系统,知道考核的 6 大项目及部门的指标。知道部门的每日得分及目标实现情况。为宾客提供热情的服务,主动与客人沟通,征得客人的评语,并及时分享给相应部门及宾客服务经理,努力提高客人的入住体验。 Maintain safety by adhering to safest policies, being responsible to report all accidents immediately. Support all safety programs. Proceed with caution when walking on slippery floors. Ensure proper safety instructions are given before operating any equipment. 要保障安全须严格遵守安全法规,与异常情况须及时上报。建立、支持所有的安全方案。行走在湿滑地面上要留意。在操作设备之前,确保已了解了安全说明。 C omplete the other reasonable duties assigned by HRM . 完成上司分配的其他合理工作。   JOB SPECIFICATION 職位要求 :   Profile   of Competency: 工作 能力 ·              Prefer one year working   experience in 5 star hotels. 一年以上五星级酒店工作经验者优先 Language : 语言能力 ·              Able to converse in   English fluently 英语流利 Education : 教育 ·              Preferably ‘O’ Level   qualification 大学专科及以上学历。 Job   License 资格 / 等级证 : ·              N/A  
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    Responsible for the cleanliness of assigned guest rooms and service areas. 负责所分配的客房和服务区域的整洁。 2.Respect guest privacy when room is on “Do not disturb” status. 当客房处于“请勿打扰”状态时,尊重客人的隐私。 3.Offer all possible assistance to guests and respond to guests request. 尽可能地为客人提供帮助,响应客人的要求。 4.Cleans and supplies guest rooms according to standards and procedures. 按照程序和标准打扫和补给客房。 5.Ensure master keys are kept secure at all times. 随时保证万能钥匙的安全。 6.Keep trolley neat and adequately supplied. 保持手推车的整洁和充分的补给。 7.Maintain all equipment in good working condition. 维持所有的装备处于良好的工作状态。 8.Keep linen room neat and in good order. 保持布草房的整洁和井井有条。 9.Report any loss or damage of linen, furniture, fixture or equipment to the Floor Shift leader. 向楼层主管汇报任何布草,家具,固定物或装置的丢失或损害。 10.Report maintenance deficiencies to the Floor Shift leader. 向客房主管报告养护的不足。 11.Report for duty punctually wearing the correct uniform and name badge at all times. 按时穿戴正确的制服和名牌。 12.Does turndown service when required. 需要时提供开夜床服务。 13.Deliver high quality service to guests. 为客人提供高质量的服务。 14.Maintain a high level of product and service knowledge in order to explain and sell services and facilities to guests. 保持高水平的产品和服务知识,以便为客人解释服务和便利设施并将这些服务和便 利设施销售出去。 15.Adhere to the hotel’s security and emergency policies and procedures. 坚持酒店安全制度、紧急情况处理规定和程序。 16.Ensure a high level of cleaning is maintained in work area. 保持维护所在工作区域的高度整洁。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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      MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES 责任概要: Follow relevant regulations strictly to ensure equipments in hotel running normally.        严格遵守有关规章制度 确保酒店的设备的正常运行。 Ensures that all staffs deliver the brand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times.         确保所有员工遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。 Ensure staffs also provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate.        确保员工同样在适当的时候为其他部门的内部客人提供优质服务。 Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.        礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。 Handles guest and staff enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found, whilst feeding back a prompt follow up. 友善、有效地解决顾客和员工的问题,对于他们的投诉和提出的问题如不能当时解决,应汇报给上级,并迅速跟进及时反馈结果。 Maintain positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.        与顾客和同事要有良好的合作关系。     SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务: Execute the repair, maintenance and engineering operations according to the departmental standards 维修,保养和工程设备操作工作要与部门营运要求相一致 Properly handles and maintains all electrical facilities and tools. 合理的使用和维护所有电气设施和工具   Accepts and is willing to perform general maintenance activities outside of the original routine scope of trade training 具备社会认可并颁发的培训或相关资格证件,可胜任并自愿地执行综合维修的工作安排 Assist the Engineer to finish daily tasks, so that the electronic system can run trustworthily. 协助工程师完成每天工作分派,确保电子系统可靠运作,以及消防设备安全。 Keep daily running record of A/C , Elect, and Plumbing equipments according to the arrangement of the supervisor. 根据主管的安排认真做好每日的空调、电器、机械设备运行记录。 To do the maintenance of the equipments according to the working plan. Make detailed record regarding on the repairing and maintenance. 按照工作计划完成对设备的维修保养。并作好相应的详细的记录。 On duty person must execute strictly the operation procedure to prevent accidents. 当班人员要严格执行各项操作规程,防止事故发生。 Daily patrol must be executed strictly to eliminate insecurity factor and solve the defect & problem timely. 认真执行日常巡检,消除不安全因素,及时排除故障。 Maintain the working area in good condition in terms of neatness & orderliness. 保持工作场地的整齐整洁。 Accept other assignments instructed by the building service   engineer and supervisor. 随时接受值班工程师和主管安排的其他工作。 To keep good care of drawing, tools & establishes used on duty. 保存好当班所用的图纸、工具和设施。 Follow concerned fire fighting regulation of the hotel when use the fire to weld. 动明火焊接工作时,必须遵守酒店有关消防规定。   Provide good service at all times. 随时随地提供良好的服务。 Pay attention to the dressing and wearing when entering the guestrooms. 注意进入客房维修保养时要注意仪表仪容。 Make detailed record regarding on the work completed or not completed in working hours when shift handover. 交接班时要详细记录工作情况。 Attend training sessions and meetings as and when required. 参加必要的培训和例会。 Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成其他合理分配的职责和任务。 18 . Complete the other reasonable duties assigned by HRM. 完成上司分配的其他合理工作。     JOB SPECIFICATION 职位要求: Profile   of Competency 工作能力 :     Basic AC , Elect and Plumbing principals , decorations, fire control , AV and related computer        skills.       基本空调、电器原理,给排水,装饰技能,消防, AV 及有关计算知识 Be familiar with        preventive maintenance schedule, test and trouble-shooting of air condition and refrigerating installation .       熟知冷、暖空调和冷冻装备之保养计划、试验、检查故障方法和维修技能 Be        familiar with the anticorrosion methods on tubes , copper, air-condition and other kinds of pipes.       熟知软管、铜管、空调水管道及喉管等之预防腐蚀方法 Be familiar with the        AC , Elect , Plumbing , fire control, safety actions and regulations.       熟知空调、电器 , 机械及消防安全措施及守则   Language   语言能力 : -   普通话 Standard   Chinese Pronunciation Education 教育 : -   职高毕业    Above high school
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
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    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
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    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
      MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES 责任概要: Follow relevant regulations strictly to ensure equipments in hotel running normally.        严格遵守有关规章制度 确保酒店的设备的正常运行。 Ensures that all staffs deliver the brand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times.         确保所有员工遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。 Ensure staffs also provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate.        确保员工同样在适当的时候为其他部门的内部客人提供优质服务。 Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.        礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。 Handles guest and staff enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found, whilst feeding back a prompt follow up. 友善、有效地解决顾客和员工的问题,对于他们的投诉和提出的问题如不能当时解决,应汇报给上级,并迅速跟进及时反馈结果。 Maintain positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.        与顾客和同事要有良好的合作关系。     SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务: Execute the repair, maintenance and engineering operations according to the departmental standards 维修,保养和工程设备操作工作要与部门营运要求相一致 Properly handles and maintains all electrical facilities and tools. 合理的使用和维护所有电气设施和工具   Accepts and is willing to perform general maintenance activities outside of the original routine scope of trade training 具备社会认可并颁发的培训或相关资格证件,可胜任并自愿地执行综合维修的工作安排 Assist the Engineer to finish daily tasks, so that the electronic system can run trustworthily. 协助工程师完成每天工作分派,确保电子系统可靠运作,以及消防设备安全。 Keep daily running record of A/C , Elect, and Plumbing equipments according to the arrangement of the supervisor. 根据主管的安排认真做好每日的空调、电器、机械设备运行记录。 To do the maintenance of the equipments according to the working plan. Make detailed record regarding on the repairing and maintenance. 按照工作计划完成对设备的维修保养。并作好相应的详细的记录。 On duty person must execute strictly the operation procedure to prevent accidents. 当班人员要严格执行各项操作规程,防止事故发生。 Daily patrol must be executed strictly to eliminate insecurity factor and solve the defect & problem timely. 认真执行日常巡检,消除不安全因素,及时排除故障。 Maintain the working area in good condition in terms of neatness & orderliness. 保持工作场地的整齐整洁。 Accept other assignments instructed by the building service   engineer and supervisor. 随时接受值班工程师和主管安排的其他工作。 To keep good care of drawing, tools & establishes used on duty. 保存好当班所用的图纸、工具和设施。 Follow concerned fire fighting regulation of the hotel when use the fire to weld. 动明火焊接工作时,必须遵守酒店有关消防规定。   Provide good service at all times. 随时随地提供良好的服务。 Pay attention to the dressing and wearing when entering the guestrooms. 注意进入客房维修保养时要注意仪表仪容。 Make detailed record regarding on the work completed or not completed in working hours when shift handover. 交接班时要详细记录工作情况。 Attend training sessions and meetings as and when required. 参加必要的培训和例会。 Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成其他合理分配的职责和任务。 18 . Complete the other reasonable duties assigned by HRM. 完成上司分配的其他合理工作。     JOB SPECIFICATION 职位要求: Profile   of Competency 工作能力 :     Basic AC , Elect and Plumbing principals , decorations, fire control , AV and related computer        skills.       基本空调、电器原理,给排水,装饰技能,消防, AV 及有关计算知识 Be familiar with        preventive maintenance schedule, test and trouble-shooting of air condition and refrigerating installation .       熟知冷、暖空调和冷冻装备之保养计划、试验、检查故障方法和维修技能 Be        familiar with the anticorrosion methods on tubes , copper, air-condition and other kinds of pipes.       熟知软管、铜管、空调水管道及喉管等之预防腐蚀方法 Be familiar with the        AC , Elect , Plumbing , fire control, safety actions and regulations.       熟知空调、电器 , 机械及消防安全措施及守则   Language   语言能力 : -   普通话 Standard   Chinese Pronunciation Education 教育 : -   职高毕业    Above high school
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
      MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES 责任概要: Follow relevant regulations strictly to ensure equipments in hotel running normally.        严格遵守有关规章制度 确保酒店的设备的正常运行。 Ensures that all staffs deliver the brand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times.         确保所有员工遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。 Ensure staffs also provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate.        确保员工同样在适当的时候为其他部门的内部客人提供优质服务。 Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.        礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。 Handles guest and staff enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found, whilst feeding back a prompt follow up. 友善、有效地解决顾客和员工的问题,对于他们的投诉和提出的问题如不能当时解决,应汇报给上级,并迅速跟进及时反馈结果。 Maintain positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.        与顾客和同事要有良好的合作关系。     SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务: Execute the repair, maintenance and engineering operations according to the departmental standards 维修,保养和工程设备操作工作要与部门营运要求相一致 Properly handles and maintains all electrical facilities and tools. 合理的使用和维护所有电气设施和工具   Accepts and is willing to perform general maintenance activities outside of the original routine scope of trade training 具备社会认可并颁发的培训或相关资格证件,可胜任并自愿地执行综合维修的工作安排 Assist the Engineer to finish daily tasks, so that the electronic system can run trustworthily. 协助工程师完成每天工作分派,确保电子系统可靠运作,以及消防设备安全。 Keep daily running record of A/C , Elect, and Plumbing equipments according to the arrangement of the supervisor. 根据主管的安排认真做好每日的空调、电器、机械设备运行记录。 To do the maintenance of the equipments according to the working plan. Make detailed record regarding on the repairing and maintenance. 按照工作计划完成对设备的维修保养。并作好相应的详细的记录。 On duty person must execute strictly the operation procedure to prevent accidents. 当班人员要严格执行各项操作规程,防止事故发生。 Daily patrol must be executed strictly to eliminate insecurity factor and solve the defect & problem timely. 认真执行日常巡检,消除不安全因素,及时排除故障。 Maintain the working area in good condition in terms of neatness & orderliness. 保持工作场地的整齐整洁。 Accept other assignments instructed by the building service   engineer and supervisor. 随时接受值班工程师和主管安排的其他工作。 To keep good care of drawing, tools & establishes used on duty. 保存好当班所用的图纸、工具和设施。 Follow concerned fire fighting regulation of the hotel when use the fire to weld. 动明火焊接工作时,必须遵守酒店有关消防规定。   Provide good service at all times. 随时随地提供良好的服务。 Pay attention to the dressing and wearing when entering the guestrooms. 注意进入客房维修保养时要注意仪表仪容。 Make detailed record regarding on the work completed or not completed in working hours when shift handover. 交接班时要详细记录工作情况。 Attend training sessions and meetings as and when required. 参加必要的培训和例会。 Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成其他合理分配的职责和任务。 18 . Complete the other reasonable duties assigned by HRM. 完成上司分配的其他合理工作。     JOB SPECIFICATION 职位要求: Profile   of Competency 工作能力 :     Basic AC , Elect and Plumbing principals , decorations, fire control , AV and related computer        skills.       基本空调、电器原理,给排水,装饰技能,消防, AV 及有关计算知识 Be familiar with        preventive maintenance schedule, test and trouble-shooting of air condition and refrigerating installation .       熟知冷、暖空调和冷冻装备之保养计划、试验、检查故障方法和维修技能 Be        familiar with the anticorrosion methods on tubes , copper, air-condition and other kinds of pipes.       熟知软管、铜管、空调水管道及喉管等之预防腐蚀方法 Be familiar with the        AC , Elect , Plumbing , fire control, safety actions and regulations.       熟知空调、电器 , 机械及消防安全措施及守则   Language   语言能力 : -   普通话 Standard   Chinese Pronunciation Education 教育 : -   职高毕业    Above high school
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    MAJOR FUNCTION 主要功能 : Greet and serve the guest by Marriott standards of food and beverage quality, presentation and sanitation, and in a gracious and professional manner. Display aggressive hospitality through positive personality with both guest and fellow associates. Take pride in all facets of service with a clean professional appearance and keep a sparkling clean dining room at all times. 用热情的态度,专业的服务,问候每位客人。提供客人万豪标准的餐饮,卫生和服务。保持积极乐观的态度,热情的对待同事和招待客人。展示一个整洁,专业的形象,保持就餐区的干净,并以此和所做的每一项服务而感到自豪。   MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 責任概要 : 1. Follow all Marriott policies and procedures. 遵守万豪的规章制度和行为准则。 2. Comply with the “clean as you go” policy. 遵守“走前整洁”的条例。. 3. Report to work on scheduled days at the scheduled time. 按时上班。. 4. Report to work in uniform following all appearance standards. 根据统一着装标准,着工作服上班。 5. Work as a TEAM. 团队协作。. 6. Follow all safety policies to ensure a safe work area. 遵守安全条例,营造稳定的工作区域。. 7. Honour all reasonable work-related requests made by a manager or supervisor, which may be outside your normal job activities, to achieve complete guest satisfaction and service throughout the Hotel. 更好的满足客人的需求,服务于整个宾馆,要执行完成经理和管理者提出的与工作相关的合理的要求,即使这些要求有可能超出你日常的.工作范围。 8. Check out with your supervisor before leaving your station or the floor for any reason. 任何理由都不准员工,在未得到经理的批准之前,离开工作岗位和工作区域。.   SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任務 : 1. Check your station, prior to opening, for cleanliness of tables and chairs, proper set-up of salt and pepper, sugar, ashtrays, flowers, lamp, clean cutlery and glassware. 检查站立位置,开门优先,整洁桌椅,正确放置盐,胡椒粉,糖,烟灰碟,装饰花,台灯,干净的刀叉餐具和玻璃杯。 2. Do all necessary opening and closing side work according to the side work schedule. 根据时间表,执行开门和关门的辅助工作。 3. Have all necessary tools ready: tray, pen, bus towel, corkscrew, etc. 必备所需工具,如:碟盘,笔,手巾,瓶塞钻等。 4. Develop a complete knowledge of menu items, their garnish, contents and preparation methods. Be ready to answer any guest questions about the menu in a positive and concise way. Know the use records. 熟知菜谱上食物的饰菜,材料,烹饪方式等。正确回答客人提出与菜谱内容相关的问题。 5. Operate the Point of Sale terminal correctly and follow all Marriott check-closing procedures. 根据万豪的准则,正确执行“销售指标”的目标。 6. Practice aggressive hospitality and use Suggestive Selling techniques when taking guest’s order. 接收到客人的要求时,热情招待,并运用“建议式购买”的方法。 7. Develop a good knowledge of beverages, liquors, and wine service. 熟知饮料,酒类,并了解酒类的服务知识。 8. Pick up and present food and beverages according to standard service procedures. Properly bus the table throughout the meal. By dessert, all condiments, dirty dishes and silverware should be cleared, except sugar and appropriate silverware and beverage glasses that are not empty. Pay special attention to finer points of service, i.e., replacing ashtrays, water glasses filled, checking back just after serving entrée, keeping proper posture and being personable, but limiting conversation. 根据服务标准步骤,递送菜肴和饮品。甜点环节,除了糖,甜点专用的餐具,和未空的杯子,撤下所有的佐味料,用过的餐盘和银质餐具。上完菜后,再次确认。客人用餐时,保持正确的站姿,注意形象,限制交谈。 9. Bus, clean and reset the table according to standard procedures. 根据标准,清理,铺设桌面。 10. Chewing gum or smoking is not allowed while on duty. 上班时间,不准咀嚼口香糖,不准吸烟。 11. Attend all meetings or training seminars as required. 如有需要,参加各种会议和培训。 12. Study and follow the Associate’s Training Manual. 学习并遵守员工培训守则。 JOB SPECIFICATION職位要求 : Profile of Competency 工作能力:  Guest-focused outgoing personality with a good smile. 性格开朗,保持微笑  Ability to meet standards of appearance. 五官端正.  An honest self-starter with a cool, organized disposition. 为人诚实,做事主动,遇事冷静,有条理。  Can meet needs of guest satisfaction within company guidelines. 根据公司的条例,满足客人的需求。. Language 語言能力:  Demonstrated good communication skills in Mandarin. English preferred. 具有良好的沟通能力,会英语者优先 Education 教育:  Minimum Vocational School 中专以上学历 Job License  資格 / 等級証:  N/A
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    MAJOR FUNCTION 主要功能 : Greet and serve the guest by Marriott standards of food and beverage quality, presentation and sanitation, and in a gracious and professional manner. Display aggressive hospitality through positive personality with both guest and fellow associates. Take pride in all facets of service with a clean professional appearance and keep a sparkling clean dining room at all times. 用热情的态度,专业的服务,问候每位客人。提供客人万豪标准的餐饮,卫生和服务。保持积极乐观的态度,热情的对待同事和招待客人。展示一个整洁,专业的形象,保持就餐区的干净,并以此和所做的每一项服务而感到自豪。   MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 責任概要 : 1. Follow all Marriott policies and procedures. 遵守万豪的规章制度和行为准则。 2. Comply with the “clean as you go” policy. 遵守“走前整洁”的条例。. 3. Report to work on scheduled days at the scheduled time. 按时上班。. 4. Report to work in uniform following all appearance standards. 根据统一着装标准,着工作服上班。 5. Work as a TEAM. 团队协作。. 6. Follow all safety policies to ensure a safe work area. 遵守安全条例,营造稳定的工作区域。. 7. Honour all reasonable work-related requests made by a manager or supervisor, which may be outside your normal job activities, to achieve complete guest satisfaction and service throughout the Hotel. 更好的满足客人的需求,服务于整个宾馆,要执行完成经理和管理者提出的与工作相关的合理的要求,即使这些要求有可能超出你日常的.工作范围。 8. Check out with your supervisor before leaving your station or the floor for any reason. 任何理由都不准员工,在未得到经理的批准之前,离开工作岗位和工作区域。.   SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任務 : 1. Check your station, prior to opening, for cleanliness of tables and chairs, proper set-up of salt and pepper, sugar, ashtrays, flowers, lamp, clean cutlery and glassware. 检查站立位置,开门优先,整洁桌椅,正确放置盐,胡椒粉,糖,烟灰碟,装饰花,台灯,干净的刀叉餐具和玻璃杯。 2. Do all necessary opening and closing side work according to the side work schedule. 根据时间表,执行开门和关门的辅助工作。 3. Have all necessary tools ready: tray, pen, bus towel, corkscrew, etc. 必备所需工具,如:碟盘,笔,手巾,瓶塞钻等。 4. Develop a complete knowledge of menu items, their garnish, contents and preparation methods. Be ready to answer any guest questions about the menu in a positive and concise way. Know the use records. 熟知菜谱上食物的饰菜,材料,烹饪方式等。正确回答客人提出与菜谱内容相关的问题。 5. Operate the Point of Sale terminal correctly and follow all Marriott check-closing procedures. 根据万豪的准则,正确执行“销售指标”的目标。 6. Practice aggressive hospitality and use Suggestive Selling techniques when taking guest’s order. 接收到客人的要求时,热情招待,并运用“建议式购买”的方法。 7. Develop a good knowledge of beverages, liquors, and wine service. 熟知饮料,酒类,并了解酒类的服务知识。 8. Pick up and present food and beverages according to standard service procedures. Properly bus the table throughout the meal. By dessert, all condiments, dirty dishes and silverware should be cleared, except sugar and appropriate silverware and beverage glasses that are not empty. Pay special attention to finer points of service, i.e., replacing ashtrays, water glasses filled, checking back just after serving entrée, keeping proper posture and being personable, but limiting conversation. 根据服务标准步骤,递送菜肴和饮品。甜点环节,除了糖,甜点专用的餐具,和未空的杯子,撤下所有的佐味料,用过的餐盘和银质餐具。上完菜后,再次确认。客人用餐时,保持正确的站姿,注意形象,限制交谈。 9. Bus, clean and reset the table according to standard procedures. 根据标准,清理,铺设桌面。 10. Chewing gum or smoking is not allowed while on duty. 上班时间,不准咀嚼口香糖,不准吸烟。 11. Attend all meetings or training seminars as required. 如有需要,参加各种会议和培训。 12. Study and follow the Associate’s Training Manual. 学习并遵守员工培训守则。 JOB SPECIFICATION職位要求 : Profile of Competency 工作能力:  Guest-focused outgoing personality with a good smile. 性格开朗,保持微笑  Ability to meet standards of appearance. 五官端正.  An honest self-starter with a cool, organized disposition. 为人诚实,做事主动,遇事冷静,有条理。  Can meet needs of guest satisfaction within company guidelines. 根据公司的条例,满足客人的需求。. Language 語言能力:  Demonstrated good communication skills in Mandarin. English preferred. 具有良好的沟通能力,会英语者优先 Education 教育:  Minimum Vocational School 中专以上学历 Job License  資格 / 等級証:  N/A
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 中专 | 提供食宿



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    • 帅哥多
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    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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      M AJOR RESPONSIBILIES 責任概要 :   To be responsible for all guest service activities in the Executive Floor. Serving guests in both lobby and Executive Floor while providing the highest level of service possible in an efficient, courteous and professional manner by following Marriott Standards of aggressive hospitality and adhering to guidelines and procedures. 负责为到政楼层的客人提供各种服务,同时并且为大堂及行政楼层的客人提供最高标准及高效的服务遵守万豪标准作为指导方针使用礼貌及专业的服务技巧。 Create a hospitable and professional atmosphere in your area to ensure total guest satisfaction.                             在你的工作范围之内创造一个招待周到及专业的气氛来确保达到客人满意。 Have knowledge of local areas and be informed at all times about cultural, historical attractions as well as their locations and hours of operation. 在任何时候都必须见多识广的了解本地文化特色,历史及有吸引力的特色地点的地址及营业时间。 Assist the Executive Floor Manager in all areas to ensure a correct and smoothly-operating department. Act as point of contact to arrange and organize guest stay. Act as role model for fellow associates and assure service quality meet brand standard. Create welcome hospitality and professional atmosphere in your area to ensure total guest satisfaction. 帮助行政楼层经理顺利营运所有部门,负责安排和组织客人入住期间所有事宜,作为行为榜样为其他同事确保我们的服务达到品牌标准。在你的工作范围之内创造一个宾至如归及专业热情的气氛保证所有宾客的满意。   SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任務 :   Operate MARSHA and OPERA well and able to use key card system, trouble shoot basic guest key lock issues. 熟练使用 MARSHA 和 OPERA 系统,并且可以使用钥匙系统 。 Provides warm welcome and detailed service to hotel guest. Ensure all necessary guest information are properly recorded and loaded in OPERA system, front desk keeps the paper trail. 为酒店客人提供热情并且细致的服务,确保所有必须的客人信息准确记录在 OPERA 系统里。 Assist to ensure Executive Floor/floor area is under smooth operation, including buffet set up, meeting room, business center, guest booking and special guest requests. 帮助行政酒廊运营顺利,包括自助餐的摆放,行政会议室,商务中心,客人预定及特殊要求。 Have knowledge of local areas and be informed at all times about cultural, historical attractions as well as their locations and hours of operation. 在任何时候都必须见多识广的了解本地文化特色,历史及有吸引力的特色地点的地址及营业时间。 Be sure to spend time in public areas during busy time in order to take care of guest requests. 保证在客人较多的时候在公共区域去关注客人的需求。 Be familiar with daily in-coming VIP and Repeat guests. Get prepared and ready at the beginning of shift. 熟悉及了解当日到店的重要客人及回头客,在每个班次开始之前做好准备事宜。 Responsible of remaining a positive communication with airport rep. Be ready to welcome guest at designated place at least 10 minutes before limousine arrives. 负责与机场代表保持正确的沟通,准备好在车辆到达的十分钟之前在指定地点欢迎客人。 Coordinate with bell staff, concierge and front desk staff to ensure all front of house area is operating professionally. 与礼宾部及前台员工就做好协调确保前台专业的营运。 Ensures that recognition programs for both guest and associates are in place and working. Responsible for all repeat guest special requests, lead front desk team to follow through and ensure guest has an enjoyable stay. 保证客人及员工的认可计划,负责所有回头客的特殊要求,带领前台成员确保客人有一个令人愉快的逗留 。 Ensure repeat/rewards/VIP guest recognition program are taking place. Being able to contribute and lead front desk team to participate in up sale program. 保证使用回头客 / 万豪礼赏客人 / 重要客人的识别计划。可以参与并带领前台员工共房间升级促销计划。 Understand and participate in Marriott rewards program. 理解并积极参与万豪领赏计划。 Perform in-room guest registration and room assignment and accommodate special request all customers. 可以完成为客人在房间里办理入住登记,可以分配房间并且为所有有特殊要求的客人安排住宿。 Be knowledgeable about Marriott Rewards, Club Marquis and other frequent traveller programs. Participate and contribute in Marriott Rewards sign-up program; ensure accuracy and activation rate meet brand goal. 对万豪礼赏计划及各种飞行常客计划有一定了解,并且参与到万豪礼赏计划,确保准确的并且有效的房价达到品牌目标。 Be knowledge about Mobile check in, need check the control panel hourly. Found the mobile check in guest, need share with duty shift leader and inform Front Desk supervisor and GSM prepare folder and follow up accordingly. Executive Floor also need prepare the check in folder. 了解手机办理入住的标准操作程序,每小时检查控制面板。如有发现客人申请手机办理入住,则需与当班的负责人分享,并将信息传达给前台的主管已经宾客服务经理准备文件夹,及系统内的跟进。同时,酒廊也应该准备欢迎文件夹。 Be knowledge about Guest Voice system, know 6 keys points and department goal. Know Executive Floor’s daily score and goal achievement status. Always provide warmly services to our customer, will to talk and get comments with guest, share guest’s feedback with related department and GSM, work to enhance guest’s staying experience. 了解客人满意度调查系统,知道考核的 6 大项目及部门的指标。知道酒廊的每日得分及目标实现情况。一直为宾客提供热情的服务,主动与客人沟通,征得客人的评语,并及时分享给相应部门及宾客服务经理,努力提高客人的入住体验。 Know how to follow hospitality guidelines.    知道如何遵循服务指导方针。 Needs to be able to perform in front office functions. 需要可以在前厅部工作。 Interact with guest at all opportunities, play a customer contact role. 在任何机会下与客人互动,扮演一个与客人接触的角色。 Be responsible and receptive to guest complaint, should analysis and within the limitation set, make correct and quick decision to ensures total guest satisfaction whilst also protecting the hotel property and revenue, 能接纳并且负责解决客人投诉,可以分析投诉发生的原因并且迅速作出解决方法来确保客人满意,同时要保护酒店财产及收入。 Oversees day to day operation of Executive Floor and ensuring that all guests are handled quickly and efficiently in all their needs with warm and natural.                                                      检查行政楼层的每日营运并且保证所有客人的需要被高效快捷及热情的对待。 Answer phone calls according to standard by using proper telephone etiquette and within three rings. 电话三响之内按照标准及电话礼仪接听电话。 Know how to operate safety deposit box. 知道如何使用保险箱。 Be flexible in regarding to work schedule. Have a solid understanding of hotel operations. Assist fellow associates when necessary to get all jobs done on time.              灵活处理工作排班,非常了解酒店营运,帮助需要帮助的员工按时完成所有工作。 Report any unusual occurrence or requests to manager immediately. 将任何不同寻常的事件或者要求及时上报经理。 At all times strive to represent Marriott in the most professional manner. 在任何时候都努力代表万豪表现出专业的礼节礼貌。 Be disciplined at all times, stand alert and tall at the front desk, greet guests immediately and offer assistance before the guest needs to ask. Focus your total attention to the customers 在任何情况下都遵守纪律,在前台时刻保持警惕,在客人开口询问之前向客人打招呼问好并且提供所需要的服务,把你的全部注意力都放在客人身上 。 Be well groomed and conform to the hotel's dress code and deportment. 保持良好的仪容仪表标准,符合酒店的和部门的着装要求。 Be informed about daily operations and events. 了解酒店每日营运情况及各种活动。 Be highly visible in public area during peak hour. 在高峰时间的公共区域内保持高度观察。 Be familiar with sales strategies; communicate daily with reservation sales. 熟悉了解销售技巧与策略,每天与预定及销售保持密切联系与沟通。 Develop a thorough knowledge about all brands in Marriott's portfolio. 透彻了解万豪所有品牌的及文化。 Know all frequent customers and is familiar with their special requests. Ensure that their needs are met. 熟悉了解所有常客并且知道他们的特殊喜好,保证他们的要求得到满足。 Be familiar with cultural differences and know correct behavior for each culture. Also know the different protocols and etiquette. 清楚文化差异并且知道各种文化正确的举止,明白不同的礼节礼仪。 Be knowledgeable about all emergencies plans and know how to act upon them. 知道如何处理各种紧急情况并且发生紧急情况下知道如何作出正确反应。 Report any unusual occurrences immediately to the   Executive Floor manager 发生任何异常情况都要及时通知行政楼层经理。 At all times strive to represent Marriott in the most professional and courteous manner. 在任何时候都努力代表万豪表现出专业的礼节礼貌。 37 . Maintain safety by adhering to safest policies, being responsible to report all accidents immediately. Support all safety programs. Proceed with caution when walking on slippery floors. Ensure proper safety instructions are given before operating any equipment. 遵守安全守则保持安全,负责及时报告任何意外事故,支持所有安全活动,在湿滑楼梯上行走时保持注意,在开启任何设备之前要确保了解安全程序。 38 . C omplete the other reasonable duties assigned by HRM . 完成上司分配的其他合理工作。   JOB SPECIFICATION 職位要求 :   Profile of Competency 大致要求 Customer Service Oriented   宾客服务领域 Efficiency                               高效的 Desirable Communication Skill   令人愉悦的沟通技巧 Organize                                        很好的组织能力 r Team Player                                团队合作精神 Language 语言 Fluent in English and   Chinese.   流利的中英文 Education 教育 Preferably College and   Above    大学以上学历 Professional   Qualification 职业资格 Minimum 3 years of   relative area work experience; minimum 1 years of management experience. 至少三年相关工作经历,一年以上管理经验
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    MAJOB RESPONSIBILIES 责任概要 :   To assist the Chef de Partie in the daily operation to produce high quality products to their best knowledge. Train subordinates on food production, Marriott international standards, 30 point hygiene rules and regulations, hotel standards and to follow hotel policies and procedures. 协助厨房主管管理日常工作,使员工能运用他们的知识生产出高质量的产品。向员工培训食品制造,万豪标准,卫生标准 43 条及酒店标准,贯彻酒店政策程序。   SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任務 :   To work as directed from their supervisors. 完成主管交办的工作。 Make sure that food is tasty, attempting presented, fresh, correct portioned and safe. 确保食品新鲜、配料恰当、色香味俱全、安全食用。 Cafeteria food is delivered on time, 15 minutes, before opening the cafeteria function. 餐厅营业开始前 15 分钟确保一切就绪。 That mise en place is fresh, correct size, portioned and according to business. 新鲜、配料比例适当,并且符合客人口味。 Will learn and execute the 43 point hygiene standards at all times. 随时学习并且贯彻执行卫生标准 43 条。 Wash hands before entering the kitchen or returning to work station. 进入厨房及回到操作台前先洗手。 Train subordinates with Marriott standards and assures that it meet all times. 向员工培训万豪的标准,确保随时达到标准。 Ensure that Marriott International documents are filled in correctly and necessary changes are done. 确保正确补充万豪国际所发的文件并做相应的改变。 A la carte food is cooked perfectly right, hot and in the stipulated time. 确保单点食品完全按食谱规定的时间和配方制作。 Proper handling of equipment. 正确使用设备。 Take temperature checks as required and keep record. 检查温度情况,并且做好记录。 Follow “Clean as you go” policy and keep work area clean at all times. 遵守 “ 走到哪里都干净 ” 的原则,随时保持工作区域干净整洁。 All food items must be covered with cling film (or proper lid), dated, labeled and initialed by person who made it or used it first. 所有食品必须用保鲜膜(或大小适当的盖子)封好保存,由制作者或最初使用者制作标签、标明日期。 If sick, report immediately to your supervisor. 一旦生病,立即告知主管。 Make sure production charts are closely followed and adhered to. 严格按照生产操作流程制作食品。 Cold food for straight consumption is handled with gloves at all times. 取用直接食用的冷冻食品时必须戴手套。 Usage of right chopping boards is maintained at all times. 一贯正确使用砧板。 Time card must be punched in and out. 出入酒店必须拉考勤卡。 No associate to be on the property after working hours without authorization. 未经许可,任何员工下班后不得在酒店逗留。 Attends the daily 15 minute training session. 参加每天的 15 分钟培训。 Set up station properly and on time for each service period. 每次上菜前,及时清理工作台。 Make sure all food is prepared by recipes designated by supervisor. 严格按照主管开出的食谱制作食品。 Inform supervisor of any problems or complaints when they arise. 遇有问题或投诉,立即告知主管。 Be able to work in another area when needed and take part in cross-training when directed. 按要求,参加岗位交叉培训,需要时能调至其他部门协助工作。 Food in fridges to be checked on the beginning of every shift and container be changed. 在每次交班前检查冰箱内的食品,并且更换盛器。 Proper requisitioning to be done as per requirement. 根据需要,填好进料单。 Attend and conduct training sessions as required. 根据需要参加并且开展培训。 Coordinate with concerned departments for any issues which may arise. 与有关部门合作解决问题。 All meetings to be attended as required.   根据需要,参加所有的会议。 Get involved in buffet set ups and decorations. 参与自助餐的布置工作。 Follow hotel policy as laid out in associate hand book. 根据员工手册贯彻酒店政策。 C omplete the other reasonable duties assigned by HRM . 完成上司分配的其他合理工作。   JOB SPECIFICATION職位要求 :   Profile of Competency 工作能力 : Minimum of 3 years   experience ,   5* Hotel experience is an   advantage 3 年以上工作经验,拥有 5 星级酒店工作经验优先考虑 Organization   skills 组织能力 Leadership   skills 领导技能 Communication skills 沟通技巧 Language 語言能力 : English speaking an   advantage 英语口语   Education 教育 : Diploma   from a recognized institute or specific trained for a specific task 持有由认证 机构颁发的文凭或经过专业培训者优先考虑 Job License 資格 / 等級証 : N/A 无
  • 杭州 | 1年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    岗位职责 1.严守工作岗位,认真观察各种设备的运转情况。 2.一旦出现报警,立即与消防员或领班联系,迅速查清报警原因并做好记录。 3.一旦酒店发生火灾应立即报警,按火灾处理程序向有关人员进行报告。 4.爱护仪器设备,发现小故障立即排除,如出现较大故障,立即请工程部技术员进行修复。 5.熟悉酒店的火灾报警程序。 6.分清和掌握消防监控板上的区域及代表的区域范围。 7.每班认真填写“消防监控系统运行情况记录。 8.无关人员不准进入消控中心。 岗位要求 1.大专文化水平,受过专业培训。 2.了解消控中心的设施设备,身体健康,反应灵敏。 3.具有一定的酒店消防工作经验,有较强的组织纪律性,责任心强。
  • 礼宾主管

    杭州 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.直接负责礼宾部的工作。 2.对酒店的宾客提供礼貌专业的服务;协助重要宾客的入住和离店。 3.管理行李房,确保所有的行李有行李标签并且安全存放在合适的位置。 4.负责所有的特殊事情和酒店服务的有关信息的公告。 5.确保工作区域内的所有设备处于良好工作状态。 6.参与员工的培训工作。负责员工的日常培训,制定培训计划。 7.宾客有要求时,为预计离店的宾客安排出租车、机场班车的服务。 岗位要求 1大专以上学历,有同岗位工作经验3年以上 2.身体健康,品貌端正,形象气质佳。 3.优秀的组织管理能力。 4.优秀的交际能和沟通技巧。 5.善于同宾客交往、沟通,处理周到、果断,能独立处理各种投诉。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    ·在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识。      ·持积极的工作态度,做好本职工作,并且主动解决问题,能够始终清晰的与客人或同事进行交流。 ·能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。 ·能够积极的向客人及供应商推荐酒店的服务及设施。 ·在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。 ·熟悉掌握菜单及饮料单上的内容,并可以详细的给客人做出解释。 ·了解健康食品的要求,并可以给出适当的建议。 ·能够达到产品知识的要求。 ·可以根据客人不同的国籍推荐菜单上的食品。 ·了解其他餐厅的菜肴,以便向客人推荐。 ·熟悉所有餐厅及酒店其他部门的营业时间。 ·可以向客人推荐其它具有吸引力的餐厅或场所。 ·在餐厅备餐的过程中严格遵守服务标准。 ·微笑服务,协助顾客就座、挂外套及背包等,并做自我介绍。 ·保证客人都被引领入座并询问他们喜欢吸烟区或非吸烟区。 ·满足客人的各项要求,如不能立即回答客人的问题请与经理联系。 ·确保所有服务都符合标准。 ·在客人进入或离开餐厅是都面带微笑并问候客人,无论在任何服务区内。 ·将服务客人放在首位。 ·在工作过程中始终体现职业素质。 ·向上一级主管或副经理、经理汇报发生的任何事故。 ·如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。 ·完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年底双薪
    • 包吃包住
    • 五险一金
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.对酒店内各项接待、会场布置、场景气氛做好拍摄记录服务跟进工作。 2. 向市场销售经理提销售拜访概况报告,提交月销售拜访计划。 3. 反馈信息,保持联系及加强相关合作单位间合作。 4. 修改有关报价信函、合同、推销文书及《备忘录》。 5. 执行订房业务,尤其是旅行社、订房中介及代售异地房业务的预订工作。 6. 联系新闻媒体,宣传酒店形象。 7.策划酒店内部各部门的推销和宣传活动等方案。 8.预留广告位置,审核宣传品的内容,落实悬挂及拆除宣传品等工作。 岗位要求 1.本科以上文化程度,熟练掌握和运用英语,在5星级以上酒店工作1年以上熟悉餐饮、客房、前厅等业务知识。 2.外表端庄大方,身体健康、干净整洁。 3.善于与人交际,有亲和力,待人热情、友善,有礼貌,性格外向、机警灵活、工作勤奋。 4.熟练掌握销售的方法和推销技巧,并能在工作中灵活运用。 5.熟悉酒店各个部门的运作程序,沟通协调能力强。 6.形象气质佳。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 出国旅游
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.负责开餐前的传菜准备工作,并布置餐厅和餐桌、摆台及补充各种物品,做好全面准备。负责将厨房蒸制好的菜肴食品准确及时地传送给餐厅值台服务员。     2. 迎接问候宾客,并将其领入座位并协助主管或餐厅经理对客订座,并合理分配。 3. 熟知菜单、食品配方及其它方面的知识,以向宾客推荐各种食品及饮料。 4. 清洁并擦亮所有器皿。 5. 保持工作场地及餐具室内物品的齐全、干净、整洁。 6. 从仓库内领取物品。根据餐厅的规定来摆放餐桌。 7. 依照餐厅制定的标准程序和方法为宾客提供优质的酒水服务,和宾客交谈,回答宾客提出的问题。 8. 熟悉餐厅制定的标准程序和方法为宾客提供各类优质的酒水饮料的原料、制作、价格和所配相应的杯具,向宾客推销。 9. 向宾客提供礼貌周全的服务,对于宾客的要求、不满和需要及时做出回应及时向领班或餐厅经理汇报。 10. 记住所有宾客和常客的姓名,接受电话订座,使用最好的电话谈判技巧。 任职资格 1.大专毕业或具有同等学历,经过餐饮服务培训,有一定的日常外语会话能力。 2.有熟练的服务技能技巧和一定的应变能力,能妥善处理服务中出现的一般性问题。 3.掌握餐厅服务规程,了解餐厅各种菜肴的基本特点和简单的烹制方法。 4.工作主动、热情、认真,责任心较强。 5.身体健康,仪表端庄。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 初中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 出国旅游
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.服从领班的工作安排。 2.按照客房清洁流程和质量标准,做好客房和责任区内日常清洁及计划清洁工作。 3.保持楼层责任区域内环境通道和工作间的干净整洁。 4.负责退客房的检查和报账工作。 5.协助领班做好VIP房和有特殊要求房的布置。 6.协助洗衣房做好客衣的分送工作。 7.按照规格要求布置客房,检查房内各类家具和设备的完好情况,及时报告和报修。 8.负责及时上报,处理突发事故。 任职资格 1.初中毕业学历或同等文化程度。善于领会宾客心理,掌握楼层服务操作规程、安全保卫工作常识及各类清洁用具的性能、特点、使用方法和维修保养知识。 2.品行端正,熟练掌握打扫房间程序,能简单运用英语对客服务。
  • 杭州 | 1年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 出国旅游
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1.负责检查洗烫好的各类制服和布草,以保证其洗涤质量。 2.负责员工制服、布草的缝补、制作及改制工作。 3.负责保管好布草和员工制服,循环地使用棉织品,防止霉烂、虫蛀等情况的发生。 4.定期进行盘点工作,并详细记录。定期申报因报损而减少的棉织品补充数。 5.按时按质地完成缝纫工作。 6.本着精打细算、节约成本的目的,尽力做好酒店员工制服及棉织品的缝补改制工作。 7.负责缝纫机的清洁保养工作,保持工作场所的整洁。 任职资格 1.初中以上的学历或同等文化程度。 2.精通裁剪和成衣制作,有缝纫j技能者优先。 3.懂得基本缝纫技术,吃苦耐劳,责任心强。 4.身体健康,精力充沛。 5.熟悉宾馆制服、布草洗烫标准及管理方法。 6.工作认真负责、细致踏实。
  • 杭州 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1.督导员工按操作程序,热情周到地为客人提供服务,对客人的问题、投诉和要求应迅速而机敏地作出反应。 2.检查员工的仪表、仪容,检查餐厅的卫生,营造一个干净卫生的用餐环境,做好营业前准备工作。 3.对员工进行业务培训,提高员工素质。 4.其他。 岗位要求: 1.大专及以上学历。 2.具备良好的沟通能力。 3.1年及以上国际联号酒店相关工作经验。
  • 杭州 | 经验不限 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1.督导员工按操作程序,热情周到地为客人提供服务,对客人的问题、投诉和要求应迅速而机敏地作出反应。 2.检查员工的仪表、仪容,检查餐厅的卫生,营造一个干净卫生的用餐环境,做好营业前准备工作。 3.对员工进行业务培训,提高员工素质。 4.其他。 岗位要求: 1.大专及以上学历。 2.具备良好的沟通能力。 3.具有良好的服务意识以及主人翁意识。
  • 杭州 | 1年以上 | 中专



    • 多元化激励
    • 高于行业薪资
    • 五险一金
    • 世界百强企业
    • 国际交流
    • 包吃包住
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    • 高福利
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
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    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1.负责厨房部设备的正确使用,保证酒店设备的正常运作; 2.保证厨房设备的正常运作,力争最大限度的提高餐品销售率; 3.执行部门成本控制管理制度及开源节流计划,保证成本在一个合理范围内; 4.与其它外部单位、个人保持良好的沟通及协调; 5.根据营业状况,及时备齐原料,并适当提前切配,保证开餐的正常进行; 6.切配和烹制菜肴,并及时进行盘饰,保证出品符合规定质量要求; 7.妥善保藏各种原料及食品,定期检查、整理冰箱,保证存放食品的质量和整齐; 8.严格按有关规定维护、保养厨房设备及各种烹调设施,安全使用和妥当保管各种用具,出现故障及时报修; 9.做好食品及生产操作的卫生工作,随时保持个人、工作岗位、设备用具、及包干区的卫生整洁; 任职条件: 1.中专及以上学历,良好的语言交流能力; 2.具有厨房相关工作经验1年以上; 3.熟悉厨操作流程,有一定的创新意识。 请注意:你的简历信息将会被我们转发到我们的第三方招聘系统进行流程使用。我们会采用合理的安全措施来保护您的个人数据安全,如您继续申请该职位,即表示您已知晓并认可我们的操作。
  • 杭州 | 1年以上 | 高中 | 提供食宿



    • 带薪年假
    • 五险一金双休
    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 洲际集团系统
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 岗位晋升
    • 团队氛围好
    • 过节福利
    • 洲际员工价
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    任职资格: 1.具备1年以上西餐厅工作经验; 2.能接受轮班工作制; 3.男女不限,
  • 工程技工

    杭州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 包吃包住
    • 丰厚年终奖
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 双休
    • 技能培训
    • 管理规范
    • 员工价
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-29
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位要求 1.初中以上文化程度;1年以上同岗位工作经验。 2.熟悉掌握酒店对客服务的要求,以及水暖空调系统、给排水系统和辅件的基础知识。 3.掌握水暖空调系统及设备、一般水力机械、各种阀门等的结构和功用,并具有较强的实际操作能力。 4.有强烈的事业心和责任感,行为举止文明礼貌。 5.身体健康,精力充沛。
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