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  • 消防主管

    镇江 | 5年以上 | 中专 | 提供食宿



    精品酒店 | 50-99人
    发布于 08:08
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    1.跟进酒店装修工程; 2.在工程安保总监的领导下,负责酒店安全与消防管理; 3.负责与消防、治安等管理机构的联络与业务对接。 4.完成总监安排的其他工作。
  • 万能工

    镇江 | 1年以上 | 学历不限



    • 凯悦关爱
    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 进修发展
    • 岗位晋升
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 丰富活动
    • 免费住房
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-20
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    主要职责 Main Duties     营运管理 Operational §  按照制定的计划时间表开展客房服务和维护保养工作并高质量的完成工作。 Carries out guestroom servicing/ maintenance works according to the established schedule and high  quality of finishing work. §  操作指派的机械设备或者主机房,确保按照营业要求持续不断的有效运作。 Operates assigned machines/ equipment or “Primary Plant” as to provide continuous and consistent utilities required for operations. §  依照政策程序,处理所有燃料的运送,确认,储存和使用。 Handles the verification, storage and utilisation of all fuel deliveries to the premises as per the established Policies & Procedures. §  运用适当正确的工具和物料完成工作。. Maintains trolley with proper tools and materials to complete duties. §  立即报告领班工作中遇到的困难。 Reports immediately to Team Leader any difficulties in completing jobs. §  确保所有的工具和设备一直处于正常而有序的状态。 Maintains and ensures all tool and equipment are in good order at all times. §  保持所有工作区域的清洁卫生,并且高于客房标准。 Maintains the cleanliness and high housekeeping standards in all works areas. §  落实已分配的特殊工程项目。 Carries out special projects as assigned. §  开展并准时完成所有要求的维护保养工作,尤其关注与顾客密切相关的工作。 Carries out and completes all maintenance requests on time and pays particular attention to guest related jobs. §  保证工程部储藏室的物资存货充足,并严格控制消耗量。 Maintains the Engineering store and keeps close control on consumption of material and inventory. §  向领班/工程师提交零件和耗用品的采购清单。 Submits request to the Team Leader/ Engineer for the purchases of parts and consumables. §  协助控制所有有效消耗,确保酒店所有部门能源的合理利用。 Assists in monitoring and controlling all utility consumption ensuring optimum energy usage by all departments of hotel. §  协助监控所有设备效能,为节能减少消耗出谋划策。 Assists in monitoring energy efficiency of all equipment; makes recommendations and advises for energy saving to reduce wastage. §  将所有运行设备的操作手册和备用零件的清单保存于库房。 Keeps manuals and spare parts list of all operational equipment in library. §  随时随地严格遵守所有的安全规则。 Strictly adheres to all safety regulations at all times. §  根据通过的功能请求表,协助处理其它部门的特殊要求。 Provides Engineering assistance for all special request from other operation departments as per approved function request sheets. §  严格遵循所有工作区域的清洁程序,在工作中注意保护周围环境。 Strictly adheres to the cleanliness of all work area, protecting the surroundings when executing jobs. §  一旦发现设备或安装工作出现与安全有关的反常现象,立刻报告领班和工程师。 Reports any abnormal conditions noticed at any time in line with safety related equipment or installation to Team Leader/ Engineer. §  将所有的用完的工具归还到工具箱或仓库。 Returns and keeps all tools and equipment in designated cabinet or store after use.     行政 Administration §  记录每天的工作日志 Maintains the Engineering Daily Log Book. §  及时提交所有顾客/员工的突发事件报告。 Submits all guest/ employee incident reports on a timely basis. §  依照酒店的“遗失和拾到”程序,处理并上报“遗失和拾到”项目。 Handles and reports “Lost and Found” items according to the Hotel “Lost and Found” procedures.   总则 General §  确保部门的服务是高效、连贯,有礼貌的,符合部门操作守则所规定的标准。 Ensures services provided by Engineering are always available and are always carried out to defined standards with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy as detailed in the Department Operations Manual. §  积极参与所有要求参加的会议。 Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required. §  确保所有员工始终如一的提供礼貌而专业的服务。. Provides courteous and professional service at all times. §  礼貌而高效的处理顾客和员工的提问,如果不能立即解决的,在适当的时机汇报投诉和问题,并及时跟进回馈。 Handles guest and employee enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found. §  了解雇员立法和劳资关系,严格遵循员工手册的规章准则、酒店雇用政策、卫生政策和健康安全政策。 Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in employee and industrial relations, understanding and strictly adhering to Rules & Regulations established in the Employee Handbook and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety. §  高标准的要求个人的言行举止和衣着装扮。 Ensures high standards of personal presentation & grooming. §  保持好积极正面的顾客关系和同事关系。 Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships. §  参加所有的核心培训和相关的技能培训。 Attends all Core training and related skills training. §  协助保障顾客和酒店财产的安全。 Assists in maintaining a high level of safety and security for guests and hotel property. §  必须完全熟悉所有的安全出口,紧急电话号码和工具。 To be fully conversant with all fire exits, emergency telephone numbers and facilities. §  承担合理的工作职责和第二职责,并根据酒店和公司的需要做相应的调整。 Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the Hotel, industry and company.
  • 弱电工

    镇江 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 凯悦关爱
    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 进修发展
    • 岗位晋升
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 丰富活动
    • 免费住房
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-20
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    • 投递简历
    主要职责 Main Duties     行政 Administration §  确保餐饮部的各项活动与公司的各种政策相符合,以及在适当的时候确保酒店活动的执行。 Ensures that the Food and Beverage activities are aligned with the respective Corporate Strategy, and that the Hotel Actions have been implemented where appropriate. §  监督准备和更新部门的各中运营手册。 Oversees the preparation and update of individual Departmental Operations Manuals. §  组织安排部门的沟通交流会议,必要时保证部门的情报通告会议的有效性和执行性。 Conducts regular divisional communications meetings and ensures that departmental briefings and meetings are effective and conducted as necessary.     营运管理 Operational §  根据进度表开展有序的客房维修程序并监督之。 Carries out and supervises the regular Guestroom Servicing Programme according to the established schedule. §  监督全部维护保养工作,确保主机房按照营业要求持续不断的有效运作。 Supervises all maintenance activities to ensure the “Primary Plant” provides continuous and consistent utilities required for operations. §  确保所有燃料提前运抵,合理控制、贮存和使用,并建立相关的政策程序。 Assists in ensuring the control, verification, storage and utilisation of all fuel deliveries to the premises are carried out as per the established Policies & Procedures. §  与工程部工程师沟通,协助准备周的工作时间表以协调工作量的分配。 Assists in preparing weekly work schedules in accordance with workload and priorities in coordination with Engineer. §  检查工程部区域,确保设备的正常功能、清洁状况并高于房务部的要求。 Inspects designated Engineering areas ensuring proper functioning of equipment, cleanliness and high housekeeping standards. §  监管并跟进特殊项目。 Supervises and carries out special projects. §  确保所有要求的维护保养工作准时完成,尤其关注与顾客密切相关的工作。 Carries out and completes all maintenance requests on time and pays particular attention to guest related jobs. §  有必要时积极参与设备维修事宜的讨论。 Participates and contributes in discussion related to modifications of equipment when required. §  确保工程部储物室的物资存货充足,并严格控制消耗量。 Maintains the engineering store and keeps close control on consumption of material and inventory. §  协调并制作备用零件订单以应对紧急维修并确保有充足的零件。 Prepares orders for spare parts as to maintain the par stock for emergency requirements. §  制做零件和使用品的采购清单,提供给工程部经理以保证不断货。 Submits request to the Engineering Manager for the purchases of parts and consumables. §  密切控制所有有效消耗,确保酒店所有部门能源的合理利用。 Assists in monitoring and controlling all utility consumption ensuring optimum energy usage by all departments of hotel. §  监控所有设备效能,建议节能的方法以减少消耗。 Assists in monitoring energy efficiency of all equipment; makes recommendations and advises for energy saving to reduce wastage. §  保存所有运行设备的操作手册和备用零件的清单。 Maintains a comprehensive library of manuals and spare parts list of all operational equipment. §  亲自监控所有有危险的工作,确保所有的雇员严格按照安全条例操作。 Personally supervises all hazardous work and ensures all safety regulations are being strictly observed by all employees. §  根据核准的功能请求表,安排人员协助处理其它部门的特殊要求。 Provides Engineering assistance for all special requests from other operation departments as per approved function request sheets. §  关注并评估所有工程部员工的工作量和工作质量,汇报副总监/经理。 Assists in monitoring all Engineering employees on productivity and quality of work; reports to Assistant Director of Engineering/ Engineering Manager. §  与物料部跟进采购要求。 Follows up on purchasing requirements with Materials department. §  确保工程部员工遵循所有工作区域的清洁程序,保护周围环境。 Strictly adheres to the cleanliness of all work area, protecting the surroundings when executing jobs. §  一旦发现与相关设备及安装有关的安全反常现象,报告工程副总监/经理。 Reports any abnormal conditions noticed at any time in line with safety related equipment or installation to Assistant Director of Engineering/ Engineering Manager.     行政 Administration §  每日进行工作日志记录。 Maintains the Engineering Daily Log Book. §  及时提交所有顾客/员工的突发事件报告。 Submits all guest/ employee incident reports on a timely basis. §  依照酒店的“遗失和拾到”程序,处理并记录“遗失和拾到”项目。 Handles and reports “Lost and Found” items according to the Hotel “Lost and Found” procedures.       薪资与生产力管理 Payroll & Productivity Management §  实行效能薪水管理制度/采用灵活安排劳动力的方法。此系统基于灵活的聘用制度,招募全职和兼职雇员、多重技能和多项任务的员工。 Exercises efficient Payroll Management/ Resources allocation through the establishment of a flexible workforce throughout the Department. This will be based on the principles of a flexible employee base (Full Time & Part Time employees), multi-skilling and multi-tasking. §  指导下属以确保其生产力符合凯悦国际工程部营运手册要求的标准。 Directs subordinates to ensure productivity meets Hyatt International Engineering Operations Manual requirements. §  回顾并不断寻找提高生产力的方法,确保所有员工按照高效的工作系统操作(如适用)并按照流水线的方式进行工作。 Reviews and constantly seeks productivity level improvements of all employees through the process of “taking work out of the system” (when appropriate) and through streamlining of work process.     人员管理 People Management §  协助招募、筛选、岗位轮替和发展工程部员工,确保员工是多面手能够完成多项任务 Assists with the development of engineering employees to work following the operational, financial, administrative philosophies and ensuring employees are multi skilled and perform multi tasks. §  亲自管理、密切监督所有工程部员工的工作职责,以确保符合政策程序和法规。 Through hands-on management, supervises closely all Technicians in the performance of their duties in accordance with Policies & Procedures and applicable laws. §  适当授权,储备充足的人手,培训发展人员并确保营运和安全的标准。 Delegates appropriately duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourceful employees, nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operation and safety are maintained. §  与培训经理密切合作,积极主动的了解并支持培训和公司理念,发展一支优秀活跃的部门训练团队。 Embraces and supports the Training initiatives and philosophies of the company and works closely with the Training Manager and Engineers in the training and development of employees. §  担任训练和发展员工的角色。 Develops and assists with training activities focused on improving skills and knowledge. §  确保员工完全了解公司规章准则,并按照此规章准则工作。 Ensures employees have a complete understanding of Rules & Regulations, and that behaviour complies. §  关注员工士气;反馈机器运作的状况和意见。 Monitors employee morale and provides mechanisms for performance feedback and development. §  执行年度工作发展计划,诚实合理的提供反馈。 Conducts annual Performance Development, providing honest and appropriate feedback. §  有效沟通工作原则,准确评估各级员工。 Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of employees.     总则 General §  确保部门的服务是高效、优质且一致的,符合部门操作守则所规定的标准。 Ensures services provided by the Engineering are always available and are always carried out to defined standards with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy as detailed in the Department Operations Manual. §  积极参与所有要求参加的会议。 Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required. §  确保所有员工始终如一的提供礼貌而专业的服务。 Ensures all employees provide courteous and professional service at all times. §  礼貌而高效的处理顾客和员工的提问,如若无法立即解决需汇报投诉和问题,并及时回馈和跟进。Handles guest and employee enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found. §  了解雇员立法和劳资关系,严格遵循员工手册的规章准则、酒店雇用政策、卫生政策和健康安全政策。 Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in employee and industrial relations, understanding and strictly adhering to Rules & Regulations established in the Employee Handbook and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety. §  积极提供有关员工的福利、安全和发展等方面的意见,实事求是的反馈现状。 Is actively involved in the welfare, safety, development and well-being of employees providing advice, counselling and truthful, diplomatic feedback. §  高标准的要求个人的言行举止和衣着装扮。 Ensures high standards of personal presentation & grooming. §  保持好积极正面的顾客关系和同事关系。 Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships. §  安排并确保员工参加所有的核心培训以及相关的技能培训。 Schedules and ensures employees attend all Core training and related skills training. §  协助保障顾客和酒店财产的安全。 Assists in maintaining a high level of safety and security for guests and hotel property. §  必须完全熟悉所有的安全出口,紧急电话号码。 To be fully conversant with all fire exits, emergency telephone numbers and facilities. §  承担所有的工作职责和第二职责,并根据酒店和公司的需要作相应的调整 Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the Hotel, industry and company.
  • 强电工

    镇江 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 凯悦关爱
    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 进修发展
    • 岗位晋升
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 丰富活动
    • 免费住房
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-20
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    • 投递简历
    行政 Administration §  确保餐饮部的各项活动与公司的各种政策相符合,以及在适当的时候确保酒店活动的执行。 Ensures that the Food and Beverage activities are aligned with the respective Corporate Strategy, and that the Hotel Actions have been implemented where appropriate. §  监督准备和更新部门的各中运营手册。 Oversees the preparation and update of individual Departmental Operations Manuals. §  组织安排部门的沟通交流会议,必要时保证部门的情报通告会议的有效性和执行性。 Conducts regular divisional communications meetings and ensures that departmental briefings and meetings are effective and conducted as necessary. 营运管理 Operational §  根据进度表开展有序的客房维修程序并监督之。 Carries out and supervises the regular Guestroom Servicing Programme according to the established schedule. §  监督全部维护保养工作,确保主机房按照营业要求持续不断的有效运作。 Supervises all maintenance activities to ensure the “Primary Plant” provides continuous and consistent utilities required for operations. §  确保所有燃料提前运抵,合理控制、贮存和使用,并建立相关的政策程序。 Assists in ensuring the control, verification, storage and utilisation of all fuel deliveries to the premises are carried out as per the established Policies & Procedures. §  与工程部工程师沟通,协助准备周的工作时间表以协调工作量的分配。 Assists in preparing weekly work schedules in accordance with workload and priorities in coordination with Engineer. §  检查工程部区域,确保设备的正常功能、清洁状况并高于房务部的要求。 Inspects designated Engineering areas ensuring proper functioning of equipment, cleanliness and high housekeeping standards. §  监管并跟进特殊项目。 Supervises and carries out special projects. §  确保所有要求的维护保养工作准时完成,尤其关注与顾客密切相关的工作。 Carries out and completes all maintenance requests on time and pays particular attention to guest related jobs. §  有必要时积极参与设备维修事宜的讨论。 Participates and contributes in discussion related to modifications of equipment when required. §  确保工程部储物室的物资存货充足,并严格控制消耗量。 Maintains the engineering store and keeps close control on consumption of material and inventory. §  协调并制作备用零件订单以应对紧急维修并确保有充足的零件。 Prepares orders for spare parts as to maintain the par stock for emergency requirements. §  制做零件和使用品的采购清单,提供给工程部经理以保证不断货。 Submits request to the Engineering Manager for the purchases of parts and consumables. §  密切控制所有有效消耗,确保酒店所有部门能源的合理利用。 Assists in monitoring and controlling all utility consumption ensuring optimum energy usage by all departments of hotel. §  监控所有设备效能,建议节能的方法以减少消耗。 Assists in monitoring energy efficiency of all equipment; makes recommendations and advises for energy saving to reduce wastage. §  保存所有运行设备的操作手册和备用零件的清单。 Maintains a comprehensive library of manuals and spare parts list of all operational equipment. §  亲自监控所有有危险的工作,确保所有的雇员严格按照安全条例操作。 Personally supervises all hazardous work and ensures all safety regulations are being strictly observed by all employees. §  根据核准的功能请求表,安排人员协助处理其它部门的特殊要求。 Provides Engineering assistance for all special requests from other operation departments as per approved function request sheets. §  关注并评估所有工程部员工的工作量和工作质量,汇报副总监/经理。 Assists in monitoring all Engineering employees on productivity and quality of work; reports to Assistant Director of Engineering/ Engineering Manager. §  与物料部跟进采购要求。 Follows up on purchasing requirements with Materials department. §  确保工程部员工遵循所有工作区域的清洁程序,保护周围环境。 Strictly adheres to the cleanliness of all work area, protecting the surroundings when executing jobs. §  一旦发现与相关设备及安装有关的安全反常现象,报告工程副总监/经理。 Reports any abnormal conditions noticed at any time in line with safety related equipment or installation to Assistant Director of Engineering/ Engineering Manager. 行政 Administration §  每日进行工作日志记录。 Maintains the Engineering Daily Log Book. §  及时提交所有顾客/员工的突发事件报告。 Submits all guest/ employee incident reports on a timely basis. §  依照酒店的“遗失和拾到”程序,处理并记录“遗失和拾到”项目。 Handles and reports “Lost and Found” items according to the Hotel “Lost and Found” procedures.
  • 镇江 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 凯悦关爱
    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 进修发展
    • 岗位晋升
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 丰富活动
    • 免费住房
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 09-20
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    营运管理 Operational §  监管所有设备的正常运行,并且确保操作符合当地的规章制度及凯悦国际的标准。 Supervises the overall maintenance function of the property, ensuring compliance with local regulations & Hyatt International standards of operation. §  根据生产厂商的说明要求,对所有的设备和财产制定和审核一套全面的预防性维护计划。 Implements and audits a comprehensive Preventive Maintenance Programmes for all equipment and other assets in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications. §  协助人力资源部定时检查员工更衣室、员工餐厅和员工宿舍各项设施/设备,确保设施/设备正常运作。 Assist HR Check employee lockers on regular basis and ensure all equipment in the employee restaurant, employee residence run smoothly. §  确保工程部使用的所有设备按时参加当地政府/国家的检验检查。 Ensure all equipment is inspected base on the time line of legal request. §  监督所有设备的功能,确保符合地方法规和凯悦国际的标准。 Monitor and ensure all equipment follow local government and Hyatt international operation standard. §  根据已确定的时间表开展及监督有序的客房维修程序。 Carries out and supervises the regular Guestroom Servicing Programme according to the established schedule. §  监督全部维护保养工作,确保主机房按照营业要求能够持续不断的有效运作。 Supervises all maintenance activities to ensure the “Primary Plant” provides continuous and consistent utilities required for operations. §  确保所有燃料提前运抵,合理控制、贮存和使用,并建立相关的政策程序。 Ensures the control, verification, storage and utilisation of all fuel deliveries to the premises are carried out as per the established Policies & Procedures. §  与工程部领班沟通,依据工作量和优先事宜协助准备每周工作时间表。 Assists in preparing weekly work schedules in accordance with workload and priorities in coordination with Team Leader - Engineering. §  每天检查工程部区域,确保设备的正常功能、清洁状况并高于房务部的要求。. Performs routine inspection of Engineering areas, ensuring proper functioning of equipment, cleanliness and high housekeeping standards. §  监管外来合同商的特殊项目和人员。 Coordinates and supervises special projects, overseeing the employment of outside contractors. §  确保所有要求的维护保养工作准时完成,尤其关注与顾客密切相关的工作。 Ensures all maintenance requests are being completed on time and pays particular attention to guest related jobs. §  积极参与设备维修事宜的讨论。 Participates and contributes in discussion related to modifications of equipment when required. §  确保工程部储藏室的物资存货充足,并严格控制材料和库存的消耗。 Ensures the Engineering store and keeps close control on consumption of material and inventory. §  协调订购备用零件以应对紧急维修并确保有充足的零件。 Coordinates and makes orders for spare parts while maintaining par stock for emergency requirements. §  妥善保管存档各种设施设备的使用手册和配件。 Maintains a comprehensive library of manuals and spare parts list of all operational equipment. §  制作零件和使用品的采购清单,提供给工程副总监确认以保证不断货。 Initiates and submits purchases request to the Assistant Director of Engineering for approval prior to the purchases of parts and consumables. §  密切控制所有设施的消耗,确保酒店所有部门能源的合理利用。 Monitors closely and controls all utility consumption ensuring optimum energy usage by all departments of hotel. §  监控所有设备效能,为节能减少损耗提供建议。 Monitors energy efficiency of all equipment; makes recommendations and advises for energy saving to reduce wastage. §  保存所有运行设备的操作手册和备用零件的清单。 Maintains a comprehensive library of manuals and spare parts list of all operational equipment. §  亲自监督所有危险的工作,确保所有雇员严格按照安全操作程序进行。 Personally supervises all hazardous work and ensures all safety regulations are being strictly observed by all employees. §  根据核准的功能请求表,安排工程部人员协助处理其它部门的特殊要求。 Arranges Engineering assistance for all special requests from other operation departments as per approved function request sheets. §  关注并评估所有工程部员工的工作量和工作质量,汇报总监/副总监。 Monitors and evaluates all Engineering employees on productivity and quality of work; reports to Director of Engineering/ Assistant Director of Engineering. §  协助制作机房机械设备的年度保养计划。 Assists in the planning of yearly maintenance of plant room machinery and equipment. §  与物料部跟进采购要求。 Follows up on purchasing requirements with Materials department. §  确保工程部员工遵循所有工作区域的清洁程序,在工作时保护周围环境。 Ensures all Engineering employees adhere to the cleanliness of all work area, protecting the surroundings when executing jobs. §  一旦发现与安全有关的反常现象,报告给工程总监。 Reports any abnormal conditions noticed at any time in line with safety related equipment or installation to Director of Engineering.     行政 Administration §  协助更新并保存部门操作手则,反应部门的政策程序、工作步骤和执行标准,确保年度总结能够准确地反应出所有变化。 Assists with the development and maintenance of a detailed Department Operations Manual that reflects Policies & Procedures, work processes and standards of performance within the Division. Ensures annual review to accurately reflect any changes. §  协助准备工程部年度经营计划,确保部门目标完全跟随酒店目标并满足员工需要。 Assists with the preparation of the annual Engineering Division Business Plan, ensuring Divisional Objectives fully address business objectives of the Hotel and needs of employees. §  协助工程总监/工程经理准备并更新工程部预算,确保目标实现和成本有效控制。 Assists with the preparation and regular update of the Engineering Departmental Budget in close cooperation with the Director of Engineer/Engineering Manager, ensuring targets are met and costs are effectively controlled. §  不间断的监控和确保遗失和新建项目的合理处理。 Constantly monitors and ensures the proper handling and control of lost and found items. §  合理分配工作,确保合同员工的最大生产效率。 Ensures proper work assignments to the contract workers ensuring maximum productivity.   薪资与生产力管理 Payroll and Productivity Management §  在整个部门实行效能薪水管理制度/采用灵活安排劳动力的方法。此系统基于灵活的聘用制度,招募全职和兼职雇员、多重技能和多项任务的员工。 Exercises efficient Payroll Management/ Resources allocation through the establishment of a flexible workforce throughout the Division. This will be based on the principles of a flexible employee base (Full Time & Part Time employees), multi-skilling and multi-tasking. §  指导下属以确保其生产效率符合凯悦国际工程部营运手册要求的标准。 Directs subordinates to ensure productivity meets standards given in accordance with Hyatt International Engineering Operations Manual requirements. §  全力提高生产力,根据合理的指导方针管理薪资费用,确保合理配置和所有设备能源的有效使用。 Focuses attention on improving productivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/ payroll costs within acceptable guidelines, ensuring optimum deployment and energy efficiency of all equipment. §  回顾并不断寻找提高生产力的方法,确保所有员工按照高效的工作系统操作(如适用)并按流水线的方式进行工作。 Reviews and constantly seeks productivity level improvements of all employees through the process of “taking work out of the system” (when appropriate) and through streamlining of work process.     人员管理 People Management §  协助招募、筛选、激励和培养工程部员工,确保员工是多面手并能够完成多项任务。 Assists with the recruitment, selection, motivation and development of engineering employees to work following the operational, financial, administrative philosophies and ensuring employees are multi skilled and perform multi tasks. §  根据政策法律法规,亲自管理、密切监督所有工程部员工的工作职责及其表现。 Through hands-on management, supervises closely all Engineering employees in the performance of their duties in accordance with Policies & Procedures and applicable laws. §  适当授权给有才能的员工,确保操作符合运行及安全标准,培养并发展员工。 Delegates appropriately duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourceful employees, nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operation and safety are maintained. §  与培训经理密切合作,积极主动的了解并支持公司的培训理念,发展一支优秀、活跃的部门团队。 Instil and supports the Training initiatives and philosophies of the company and works closely with the Training Manager in developing a team of active Departmental Trainers. §  在员工的培训及发展过程中起积极的作用。 Takes an active role in the training and development of employees. §  推动并协助培训以提高技能和素质。 Develops and assists with training activities focused on improving skills and knowledge. §  确保员工完全了解公司规章准则,并按照此规章准则工作。 Ensures employees have a complete understanding of the Rules & Regulations, and that behaviour complies. §  关注员工士气;反馈机器运作的状况和意见。 Monitors employee morale and provides mechanisms for performance feedback and development. §  执行年度工作发展计划,诚实合理的提供反馈。 Conducts annual Performance Development, providing honest and appropriate feedback. §  坚持有效沟通的工作原则,准确评估各级员工。 Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of employees. §  安排每日的情报通报会,分配工作,记录员工汇报的特殊事件和说明。 Conducts short, daily briefings to hand out assignments and to keep employees informed of special events and instructions. §  确保员工了解最新的产品信息,当前的促销活动,政策的变更以及适当的酒店内部的沟通交流信息。 Ensures all employees maintain an up-to-date awareness of hotel product knowledge, current promotion, policy changes and appropriate internal communication. §  确保员工最大限度的保护顾客的隐私。 Ensures all employees practice the utmost protection of guests’ privacy and confidentiality.   总则 General §  确保部门员工提供高效、连贯并且有礼貌的服务,同时符合部门操作守则所规定的标准。 Ensures services provided by the department are always available and are always carried out to define Standard with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy as detailed in the Department Operations Manual. §  积极参与所有要求参加的会议。 Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required. §  确保所有员工始终如一的提供礼貌而专业的服务。 Ensures all employees provide courteous and professional service at all times. §  礼貌而高效的处理顾客和员工的提问,如若无法立即解决需汇报投诉和问题,要及时回馈和跟进。 Handles guest and employee enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found, whilst providing feedback for a prompt follow up. §  了解雇员立法和劳资关系,严格遵循员工手册的规章准则、酒店雇用政策、卫生政策和健康安全政策。 Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in employee and industrial relations, understanding and strictly adhering to Rules & Regulations established in the Employee Handbook and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety. §  积极提供有关员工的福利、安全和发展等方面的意见,实事求是的反馈现状。 Is actively involved in the welfare, safety, development and well-being of employees providing advice, counselling and truthful, diplomatic feedback. §  高标准的要求个人的言行举止和衣着装扮。 Ensures high standards of personal presentation & grooming. §  保持好积极正面的顾客关系和同事关系。 Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships. §  始终如一的坚持负责任的态度和行为举止,积极正面的体现凯悦国际和酒店的标准。 Exercises responsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representing the Hotel Management Team and Hyatt International. §  如有必要,协助布置特殊主题的聚会和促销活动。 Assists in providing decorations for special theme parties and other promotions as necessary. §  联络营运部门,了解其功能和方案,提供必要的协助。 Liaises with the operation departments on anticipated functions or projects and provides necessary assistance as requested. §  承担合理的工作职责和第二职责,并根据酒店、行业和公司的需要做相应的调整。 §  Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the Hotel, industry and company.       其它方面 Other Comments §  职位属“经理”级并享有相应的福利。 Position is ranked as an “ Manager” with related benefits provided.
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