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  • 绵阳 | 经验不限 | 高中 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 15:03
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    MAJOR RESPONSIBILIES 责任概要 : Assisting department’s supervisor with the task of ensuring area’s standards and safety are not compromised for any reasons. Ensure there are teamwork in the department and equality in duties and responsibilities. 协助部门主管工作,确保服务区域内的标准和安全不因任何原因而背忽视。确保在团队内部的平等工作和责任承担。 SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务 : 1. Maintain condition for locker rooms and always tidy up after a guest’s usage and not wait till the end of the shift. 保持更衣室干净整洁,做到一客一清。 2. Always be aware and alert on safety issues and precautions. Do not overlook safety for associates and guests. 要任何安全隐患保持关注和警惕性。不能将员工和客人至于危险之中。 3. Ensure all safety signage are in place and properly display (not faded), if so, take ownership of the problem and report accordingly to engineering to have it replace. 确保所有的安全警示标志完好,要基于主人翁角度积极配合工程部们发现和报告不符合安全标准 的标识并及时更换。 4. Ensure all equipments in workout room are wipe down according after every shift to ensure the cleanliness and the condition of equipments are properly maintained. 确保健身区的每一台器材每个班次都进行清洁,并保证器材的运动良好。 5. Ensure proper cleaning tools and chemicals are used in order not to cause damage to the equipments and maintaining a longer lifespan. 确保清洁用品和保养用品的完好和充足,并进行定期的维护保养以延长其使用寿命。 6. Consistently check on locker rooms to ensure all amenities are in place and are always refilled when it’s empty and not wait for guest to request. 确保更衣室的一次性用品数量充足,及时更新即将用完的物品,而不需要等到客人要求才进行。 7. Shower rooms should be check regularly depending on peak hours and ensure it’s clean for next guest’s use. e.g. removal of used towels and even hair on trap. 浴室要定期检查,特别在繁忙时刻,要确保一客一清,如:收集用过的浴巾,清理毛发等 8. Clearing of used towel as and when required at the poolside and wipe down all pool deck chairs when required. 将使用过的毛巾集中,并及时清洁躺椅。 9. Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time. 有时要接受其他的工作安排。 10. Maintain effective service in line with the Hotel’s Corporate Image a) Company’s Grooming Standard b) Standard Operation Procedures c) Departmental Policies d) Corporate Policies 保持良好的服务并符合酒店形象 a) 公司仪容仪表标准 b) 标准工作流程 c) 部门规章制度 d) 公司整体规章制度 JOB SPECIFICATION 职位要求 : Profile of Competency 工作能力:  Preferably with service experience in relevant industry 有相关工作经历者优先 Preferably experience with any PMS programs 有PMS培训经历者优先 Adaptability and willing to grow with the company 愿意与酒店一起改进和成长 Positive and cheerful disposition 积极主动和活泼开朗的性格 Education 教育:  Preferably above senior-high school qualification 高中以上学历 Job License 资格 / 等级证:  Local Lifeguard Certificate 救生员证书
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