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  • 景德镇 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 07-02
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    管理采购、收货、仓储、库存控制的所有方面。 Manages all aspects of purchasing, receiving, storage and inventory control. 负责酒店内部的货品发放,以及准确、及时地将费用分摊到使用部门。 Responsible for the issuing and distribution of inventory items within the Hotel, and for the accurate and timely allocation of costs to user department. 有效采购,为货品和服务获取最超值的价格,从而确保酒店成本最小化。 Ensures that hotel expenses are minimised through the use of effective purchasing and by obtaining the most competitive prices for goods and services. 定期进行市场调查,获得最低报价,积极谈判,从而获得买方最大的价格优势。 Conducts regular market surveys, obtains competitive quotations and aggressively negotiating in order to reap the maximum price benefits of purchasing power. 尽可能地将库存量降至最低,依照运作需求进行供应,并最大限度地提高库存物品的周转和库房的使用空间。 Keeps inventories as low as possible to properly supply the operation’s needs and maximise inventory turnover and space utilisation. 确保库存物品的妥善保管,并依照“先进先出”的周转次序进行发放,以减少浪费和破损。 Ensures that inventory items are stored properly and issued in FIFO rotation to minimise wastage and spoilage. 监督和控制物料部的成本并采取适当的控制措施。 Monitors all cost in the Materials Department and initiates and maintains measures to control these. 实行并加强所有运营及控制流程,以确保货物进入酒店及在酒店内部的流通都合理。 Implements and enforces all operating and control procedures to ensure that movement of goods into and within the Hotel is properly accounted for. 建立并加强部门内部控制的政策及流程,特别是采购、收货、库存控制、发货及紧急发货。 Establishes and enforces internal control Policies & Procedures throughout the department, regarding purchasing, receiving, inventory control, issuing and emergency issuing. 向总经理、财务部总监和相关部门负责人报告费用成本及相关部门的库存及非库存物品的消耗量。 Advises the General Manager, Director of Finance and Department Heads of the cost and implications of each department’s consumption of inventory and non-inventory items. 为所有预测及商业计划的活动提供相关的成本和历史讯息。 Contributes to all forecasting and business planned activities by providing historical information and cost projections. 如有超量采购或消耗库存品的情况,直接给部门建议并推荐降低成本的方法,如改变货源。 Advises departments directly of any excessive purchases or consumption of inventory and to recommend practices to reduce such cost, including alternative sources for products. 通过收到的申购单,协调各部门负责人对有关产品的需求和规格要求,保存申购单和订单的文本记录。 Obtains and coordinates all product and purchase specifications from the various heads of department by means of a Purchase Request (PR) and maintains files of these purchase request together with Purchase Orders (PO). 从不同供货渠道取得3家报价,确保为各部门采购的物品质优价廉 Acquires three (3) price quotations from various sources to determine the lowest cost while maintaining the best quality for any item(s) requested by the different departments. 负责建立并维护有关的电脑数据,即:库存品、常规储量、待设库存货品、货品清单、订单、计量单位、和库存货品的储量。 Responsible for the creation and maintenance of certain computer data namely: Inventory Items, Par Stock, items to be included as inventory items, re-order points, item listing, Purchase Orders, Unit of Measure, and inventory levels for all items maintained in inventory. 协调采购、收货及发货制定食品及饮料的货品规格。 Coordinates purchase specifications for Food and Beverage in conjunction with purchasing, receiving, and issuing. 确保酒店内每个部门以最低价获得符合需求及指定的规格标准的货品和服务。 Ensures that every department in the Hotel receives goods and services as required and to the standards they have specified at the best possible price. 会见供货商和商务代表,获取所需产品的规格、报价和其他信息。 Conducts interviews with suppliers, representatives and obtains information, specifications and quotations on any item required. 处理所有信件,按照酒店利益最大化原则谈判并采购。 Handles all correspondence, negotiation and procurement to the best advantage of the Hotel. 为所有库存货品挑选可靠的长期供货商,每周或每两周取得一次日用品和其他食品及饮料的价格单。 Selects reliable regular supplies for all inventory items and obtains weekly or bi-weekly price list for daily produce and other food and beverage suppliers. 经财务部总监和总经理批准申购单后,立即为所有非库存物品下订单。 Places all orders for non-inventory items once the purchase request has been approved by the Director of Finance and General Manager. 根据既定和审核的库存量及库存水准补充所有库存物品。 Places all orders for the inventory items based upon established and audited par stocks and inventory levels.
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