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  • 沈阳 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 帅哥多
    • 美女多
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 02-20
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    • 投递简历
    大专以上文化程度; 5 年以上酒店销售工作经验。按照公司整体要求,制定和组织实施公司在市场策划、销售管理、客户服务的战略规划。负责项目可行性比选阶段的市场研究、客户分析、市场定位和营销推广方案设计。负责监督和考核公司各项目的营销推广、销售进度、销售回款和客户服务等,支持和保障项目实施。负责组织营销推广、销售执行、客户服务等方面专业人员的培训。
  • 杭州 | 3年以上 | 本科



    • 包吃包住
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 年度旅游
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    • 五险
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
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    • 投递简历
    总经理负责酒店的整体表现,实施酒店商定的战略,确保业务有正确的重点以实现适当的盈利水平。该职位需要领导一支经验丰富的高级管理团队,包括运营总监、财务总监、人力资源总监和商务总监。作为团队的一员,他/她将为酒店建立并保持良好的公众形象,并在团队成员中实现“团队精神”。 作为总经理,您将负责以最高标准执行以下任务: 在团队中培养创造力和创新精神。 认识酒店的品牌文化,并通过日常行为体现酒店的价值观。 领导酒店实现关键绩效指标,包括但不限于管理酒店的持续盈利能力,确保收入和利润、团队成员和客人满意度目标得到满足和超越。 制定年度/季度/月度预算、预测和工作计划,并有效实施。 领导所有关键酒店事务,包括资本项目、客户服务和翻新。 确保所有决策都符合酒店的最佳利益。 提供可实现的酒店预算,并为酒店设定其他短期和长期战略目标。 确保酒店品牌标准得到全面实施,酒店遵守所有监管要求,包括卫生和安全标准。 领导业务规划的各个方面。 管理和开发酒店管理团队,确保在酒店内部的职业发展和有效的继任计划。 定期与部门负责人团队举行简报会和沟通会议,响应审计以确保持续改进。 定期与业主公司保持良好的沟通,确保其了解酒店的运营状况并对酒店的运营感到满意。 执行酒店的所有相关要求和任务。 我们正在寻找的总经理应具备以下态度、行为、技能和价值观: 热情好客:您热衷于提供卓越的客户体验。 诚信:始终做正确的事。 领导力:努力成为我们行业和社区的领导者。 团队合作:您在所有事情上都是团队合作者。 主人翁精神:您对自己的行动和决策负责。 现在:您以紧迫感和纪律性操作。 大学学历或同等学历。 酒店/旅游/休闲行业管理专业人士。 至少1年国际连锁酒店类似职位经验或3-5年国际品牌酒店运营总监或商务总监工作经验。 中英文流利,能满足业务需求,具备一定的翻译能力。 熟练使用Microsoft Office。 足智多谋,富有创造力并保持灵活性。
  • 成都 | 10年以上 | 学历不限 | 食宿面议



    • 五险一金
    • 商业医疗保险
    • 带薪病假
    • 额外福利假期
    • 节日礼物
    • 提供免费咖啡
    • 周五休闲酒会
    • 工作周年福利
    • 岗位晋升
    • 国际化氛围
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Overview We are now seeking a dynamic General Manager who can deliver a unique experience for all our guests. We are committed to becoming a preferred employer for our colleagues. To be selected, you will need to have experience of high end hotel or resorts and also have worked in China. Specifically, you will be responsible for performing the following tasks to the highest standards: Core Responsibilities You will be responsible for all aspects of operations, from overarching hospitality philosophy to day-to-day staff management and guest relations. The job responsibilities can be divided into two timeframes: pre-opening (and launch) and post-opening. During “pre-opening and launch”, the GM will work very closely with naked Hotel Management Company to establish operations and ensure that our vision and brand standards are met. Responsibilities during this phase include but are not limited to the following: ·          Develop naked DNA to work specifically with the new resort. ·          Take a part in the design of the resort’s tours and activities as well as food and beverage offerings. ·          Provide supervision in the procurement of operating supplies and equipment, and contract with third-party vendors for essential services. ·          Participate in hiring individuals across all of the resort’s departments. ·          Participate in training staff to perform according to our naked brand standards. Launch the hotel, including both soft and grand openings, and develop strategies to maximum revenue. After launch, the General Manager will be involved in stabilizing the resort and ensuring that operations run efficiently in addition to maximizing both customer satisfaction and resort profits. Post-opening responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: ·          Lead the resort as its “brand standard bearer”, epitomize the brand personality and work consistently to ensure the resort is run impeccably. ·          Oversee and manage all departments, work closely with department heads on a daily basis. ·          Monitor customer satisfaction through the review of naked scorecard feedback and spend time with the guests and ensuring their needs are being met and expectations exceeded. ·          Maximize room yield and resort revenue through innovative practices and yield management programs. ·          Report to naked Hotel Management Company on a regular basis. ·          Establish annual/quarterly budgets and revenue projections with regular updating. ·          Ensure costs are controlled and revenue opportunities are effectively sourced and delivered. ·          Address any problems or complaints with a speedy and satisfactory resolution. ·          Counsel and advise employees to ensure successful career progression within naked. Requirements ·          The ideal candidate will most likely already be a General Manager or Resident/Hotel Manager/EAM. ·          The candidate will have well-rounded hotel operations experience and will be able to drive yield, excellence in service standards, and profitability. ·          Candidates with previous resort pre-opening experience in China is preferred. ·          A people person, outgoing with great communication skills and the ability to relate to guests and staff alike. ·          Able to train, guide and mentor a large team. ·          Previous experience operating resort properties with marina facilities would be an advantage. ·          Ability to develop innovative on property strategies focused on revenue generation in conjunction with the nHMC Sales and Marketing & Innovation Department. ·          Superb financial and commercial acumen is a must as setting the annual budget and then delivering on the targets of the property is a major responsibility. ·          Strong operational background with a hands-on attitude to daily operations and exceeding guest’s expectations as a key focus. ·          A deep understanding of promotions and marketing as well as managing and leading the sales initiatives. ·          Ability to manage the hotel’s finances through the planning and controlling of revenue streams, cash flow and property expenses. ·          Highly developed interpersonal skills and as an ideal candidate, you will be equally adept at dealing with hotel owners, peers, and employees at all levels. ·          To effectively manage the owner relationship on behalf of the company. ·          To ensure that the operational and service skills of the employees of the hotel are being constantly improved through well planned Training systems. ·          As the General Manager of this pre-opening property, you will drive the recruitment and development of the entire staff.
  • 三亚 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 温馨的氛围
    • 完善的福利
    • 丰富的活动
    • 系统的培训
    • 优越的位置
    • 广阔的平台
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责 1、 全面负责酒店的经营管理。 2、 了解国家有关酒店行业的各项政策法规和高星级酒店各岗位的业务流程,有较丰富的酒店管理知识和管理经验。  3、 负责实现酒店的营业收入指标和利润指标,确保酒店在各个经营阶段的经营指标能够顺利完成。 4、 落实酒店年度财务预算,向各部门下达年度工作指标。 5、 督促酒店维修保养工作和酒店安全管理工作,确保无任何安全责任事故发生。 6、按时将酒店的经营情况向管理公司进行沟通汇报,并能够按时完成管理公司安排的各项工作任务。 7、 负责做好酒店与各界人士的公共关系,树立酒店良好形象。 8、 打造优秀管理团队,增强团队凝聚力。 职位要求: 五年及以上同类型同级别酒店总经理的工作经验; 熟悉度假型酒店全面运作及管理流程; 具有敏锐的商业触觉及市场洞察力,善于审时度势,制定酒店发展战略; 具备出色的沟通协调能力及把握酒店全局运作的能力; 具有较强的责任心和良好的职业道德,具备较强的领导能力和团队建设及管理能力; 良好的沟通能力及技巧 深入了解酒店/休闲/服务行业
  • 湖州 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 人性化管理
    • 丰厚年终奖
    • 年度旅游
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
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    • 投递简历
    作为酒店的主要战略业务领导者,负责酒店运营的各个方面,包括客人和员工满意度、人力资源、财务绩效、销售和创收,并为集团和酒店所有者提供投资回报。 As a key strategic business leader for the hotel, responsible for all aspects of the hotel's operations, including guest and staff satisfaction, human resources, financial performance, sales and revenue generation, and providing return on investment for the group and hotel owners. 职责义务: Duties & Responsibilities: 1.紧跟行业趋势,探索新的商业机会并制定商业计划,以最大限度地提高客户满意度、盈利能力和市场份额。 Keep up with industry trends, explore new business opportunities, and develop business plans to maximize customer satisfaction, profitability, and market share. 2.分析商业信息,积极应对不断变化的市场状况,确保酒店在预算指导下运营,实现利润率目标。 Analyze business information, actively respond to constantly changing market conditions, ensure that the hotel operates under budget guidance, and achieve profit margin targets. 3.与销售和市场团队紧密合作,制定创收策略;识别新的业务线索,推出符合市场趋势的酒店产品;确认销售策略与品牌策略一致,并有效执行既定目标。 Work closely with sales and marketing teams to develop revenue generating strategies; Identify new business leads and launch hotel products that are in line with market trends; Confirm that the sales strategy is consistent with the brand strategy and effectively implement the established goals. 4.建立有凝聚力和高绩效的执行委员会,不断努力取得积极成果和改进。  Establish a cohesive and high-performance executive committee, and continuously strive to achieve positive results and improvements. 5.通过积极和持续的沟通,与业主建立良好的关系,处理并解决好业主对酒店经营管理的诉求。  Through active and continuous communication, establish a good relationship with the owners, and handle and resolve their demands for hotel management. 6.遵守公司/品牌政策、程序和标准。 Comply with company/brand policies, procedures, and standards. 7.客户及公共关系管理。 Customer and public relations management. 专业知识技能: Job Knowledge / Skill: 1.工商管理、酒店和餐饮管理或相关专业大学学历,10年以上管理运营、市场营销、财务或相关工作经验。 Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Hotel and Catering Management or related majors, with over 10 years of work experience in management operations, marketing, finance or related fields. 2.有限或全方位服务酒店的总经理经验。 General manager experience in limited or full-service hotels. 3.高度的责任心、敬业精神及诚信态度。 High sense of responsibility, professional dedication, and integrity attitude. 4.具有前瞻性思维,有创造力和创新能力。 Possess forward thinking, creativity, and innovative abilities. 5.有较强的适应、沟通、计划、决策和综合判断能力。 Strong adaptability, communication, planning, decision-making, and comprehensive judgment abilities.
  • 南京 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 人性化管理
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
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    • 投递简历
    工作概述 JOB SUMMARY     处理酒店一切事物,主持酒店日常经营管理工作,统筹整合酒店各项资源,完成酒店经营目标。 职位要求 REQUIREMENT 1. 具有大专及以上文化程度,并受过旅游酒店管理课程培训,掌握酒店各营业部门的服务及管理流程; 2. 熟练运用一门外语,能够流利准确地与宾客交流; 3. 具有15年以上酒店行业工作经验,3年以上五星级酒店同等职务工作经验。能充分调动员工潜能,发挥人才的创造性及工作积极性。具备高效决策力及统筹能力,具有处理突发事件能力。
  • 三亚 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 员工生日礼物
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1、全面负责度假世界品质管理,包括但不限于顾客满意度、网络评价、服务质量、卫生管理、品质监督等,确保达到集团下达的关键业绩考核指标。 2、坚持开源节流的方针,严格控制整体经营成本,制定财务和运营计划并监督执行情况,支持度假世界和运营部门总体目标。 3、制定年度预算和业务规划,以完成经营业绩指标为主要业绩考核标准。 4、梳理并完善现有的服务体系及流程,并就市场趋势与需求优化现有的酒店产品与服务内容,提升整体宾客满意度及服务水平。 5、负责并指导制定所管理部门的组织架构,提升管理团队业务素质及管理能力,加强部门间分工协作,推进各项工作目标的达成。 6、同度假世界运营队伍保持密切合作来确保各个岗位上的员工配置与工作量和生产力相符;最大程度的发挥培训的作用,以及策划如何提高工作效率,改进度假世界的经营和服务表现。 7、负责对内和对外关系的管理和沟通:在各个场合代表酒店的职业形象,确保和外部各方面的积极关系的建立和维护,包括和政府、团体、行业间、供应商等的关系维护。和各部门合作以达到客户、客人和酒店的期望。 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历、15年以上五星级酒店工作经验。 2、熟悉海南本地市场,有同等星级工作经验优先。 3、极强的资源整合和运用能力,具有良好的职业道德及素养。
  • 成都 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 午餐补贴
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 02-19
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1、开展客房/宴会/会议销售工作。与老客户保持良好合作关系,不断开发新客户。 2、客户管理方面,协助财务部做好客户的资信调查、账款结算工作。对客户所欠帐款及时催收。对催回的账款及时报账。 3、及时关注市场动态和行业走势,了解竞争对手,整理资料并上报。 4、完成上级领导交班的其他工作。 任职资格: 1、大专及以上学历,具备市场营销、酒店管理等相关专业知识,条件优秀者可放宽要求。 2、1年以上相关工作经验。 3、性格外向,具备良好的沟通能力和协调能力。
  • 国外 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 午餐补贴
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 02-19
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【必须要有马尔代夫工作经历,否则请勿投递】 1. 全面负责酒店的经营管理,制定年度经营计划,对酒店的业绩、服务及品质负责,确保酒店经营和管理指标的完成; 2. 负责酒店组织市场推广及销售工作,做好酒店市场调研、落实运营各OTA平台维护; 3. 根据品牌运营标准,结合酒店具体实际,健全并严格落实酒店规章制度、操作流程,使酒店的每一项工作“规范化、细节化、效率化”; 4. 维护店内宾客关系,对宾客入住期间的意见和建议进行征询、采纳,灵活有效处理突发情况并总结和上报处理情况; 5. 全面负责酒店团队员工招聘、培训及人事管理工作,组建高效富有竞争力的酒店团队; 6. 维护周边邻里关系、社区关系及积累同行资源,保持良好关系以便日后正向积极的品牌传播,为店的品牌形象及传播负责; 7. 落实及跟进酒店宣传工作、促销工作及主动策划或协助策划日常活动;     8. 结合实际经营情况辅助运营制定或完善店内各项SOP,并监督落实; 9.维护和调节团队人员之间的关系,令团队保持活力。 10. 负责酒店的成本管控,严格审查酒店各项成本费用支出,督导酒店节能工作,确保酒店的运营成本和费用得到合理控制,确保酒店资产的损耗率符合公司规定; 11. 督导部门人员的日常工作,负责店内人事工作的监督、指导工作,实行走动式管理酒店各部门、区域,并直接与顾客和员工接触、交流。
  • 广州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 午餐补贴
    • 领导好
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 02-19
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    • 投递简历
    岗位描述: 无论你是酒店职业经理人,无论你是地产企业从业者,无论你是地产销售员,无论你是建筑设计师,还是普通的打工者,你身边无处不在的酒店加盟信息,经雅阁商务团队的抽丝剥茧,都具有无穷价值,传递信息,创造价值,自当老板,轻松赚钱。 雅阁酒店集团城市合伙人招募,传递信息,创造价值,助力洽谈,分润百万,自当老板,轻松赚钱!欢迎加入雅阁AHG City Partner城市合伙人招募计划! 雅阁酒店集团(纽交所股票代码NYSE:GHG)是澳大利亚最具规模的酒店管理集团。目前覆盖亚太区百余城市,拥有11个酒店品牌:雅阁大酒店、雅阁璞邸酒店、雅阁度假酒店、雅阁酒店、雅阁公寓、澳斯特酒店、雅阁澳斯特酒店、澳斯特精选酒店、澳斯特公寓、澳斯特WOW酒店及Metro酒店。从豪华酒店到精品酒店,从度假村到服务式公寓,您可在众多目的地中探索旅程中的别样精彩,迎接人生新的机遇。   【城市合伙人事业部】 联系人:周宁女士 联系电话:13632195789 邮箱:joline.zhou@argylehotels.com
  • General Manager

    泉州 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 包吃包住
    • 年底双薪
    • 年度旅游
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 人性化管理
    • 丰厚的五险
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
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    • 投递简历
    Primary Responsibilities · Responsible for the overall management, sales and marketing programs and strategic business initiatives of the hotel, outlets and event space. · Ensure sustainable profit growth and return on investment for all stakeholders. · In co-ordination with and at the direction of Wharf Hotels, formulate and implement the group’s short, medium and long-term strategies to meet articulated objectives. · Ensure that the operations of the hotel are in adherence with brand standards, policies and procedures laid down by Wharf Hotels. · Maintain the property asset and up-keep of hotel buildings while executing approved capital expenditure projects improving the hotel’s physical standard and market positioning. · Adapt and react proactively to market changes and challenges that evolve from external factors. · Select, evaluate, motivate and train the professional and progressive management teams and colleagues leading to improved performance and business results. If you are someone with... · Agile, adaptive and proactive to instigate revenue growth by implementing well planned revenue initiatives in all revenue streams and segments. · Strong guest focus and strategic mindset in planning, communicating and implementing objectives. · Able to think boldly outside-the-box with a sharp focus on business results. · Able to attract, motivate, lead, inspire and direct a talented and independently driven team. · Bold and act with resolve to address challenges and forge positive change with unending determination leading to exceptional results. · Excellent communication skills, public speaking, written and oral, with the ability to customize the message to the audience (guests, colleagues, owner, and other stakeholders). · Team player over and above anything while acting and leading as a coach uniting everyone with the same vision, mission and goals. · Comes with proficiency in English, while having experience from the China market is an advantage. Proficiency in Putonghua is an advantage but not a prerequisite. Qualifications · Minimum 5 years’ experience as a General Manager in an internationally recognized hotel brand and 15 years+ in a senior management role, preferably with high-end full-service hotels. · Extensive exposure within the China market, while Fujian market experience is an advantage. · Conversant with key hotel performance indicators, especially with finance, revenue and sales & marketing related metrics. Proven track record of building strategy around analytics. · Ability to drive results and effectively manage stakeholders across various levels.
  • 全国 | 经验不限 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 职业发展计划
    • 员工活动
    • 免费工作餐
    • 入职培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-20
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    岗位职责: 1、全面负责酒店的日常运营和管理:确保酒店各项经营和管理指标的完成,带领团队实现年度经营目标; 2、制定酒店经营战略和管理目标:包括制定酒店各阶段经营计划、规章制度、服务操作规程等,并监督贯彻执行; 3、建立健全酒店组织系统:使酒店组织系统合理化、精简化、高效化,确保酒店各部门之间协调运作; 4、健全财务制度:阅读分析每日、每月财务报表,监督财务部门做好成本控制、财务预算等工作; 5、有效把控门店运营成本:根据酒店行业淡旺季,合理调整运营策略,提升经营业绩; 6、确保服务质量:管理、指导和监督员工工作,确保酒店的服务质量和卫生环境符合相关标准; 7、建立培训体系:制定有效的培训体系及激励机制,提升员工的综合素质和服务水平; 8、处理顾客投诉:做好顾客投诉处理与协调工作,确保顾客满意度; 9、掌握市场动态:关注市场动态和竞争信息,制定切实可行的市场营销策略; 10、制定市场拓展计划:带领销售团队进行全面的市场推广和销售活动,扩大酒店知名度; 11、客户关系管理:与客户保持良好沟通,维护酒店良好形象; 12、人才选拔与培养:负责酒店管理团队的建设,选拔、任免、考核管理人员,决定员工编制及奖惩、晋升工作; 13、内部沟通与协调:协调酒店内部各部门之间的关系,确保酒店有一个高效率的工作团队; 14、员工关怀与激励:以身作则,关心员工,提高酒店凝聚力,激励员工以高度热情和责任感完成本职工作; 15、安全管理:负责酒店的整体安全工作,包括治安、消防及宾客的人身安全等。 16、社会关系活动:开展酒店社会关系活动,树立良好的企业形象。 岗位要求: 1、 本科以上学历,相关管理专业。 2、 从事国际品牌酒店工作10年以上,具有5年以上相关高层管理工作经验。 3、 熟悉酒店各部门服务及管理流程。 4、 善于管理和经营团队,事业心强。 5、 有较强的沟通、计划、决策和综合判断能力。 6、 可以使用英文作为工作语言。
  • 杭州 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 技能培训
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 双休
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 员工宿舍
    • 员工餐
    • 人性化管理
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    1、年龄45周岁以下,净身高170cm以上,五官端正,为人诚恳,具备良好的沟通协调能力,普通话标准,有C1/C2驾照; 2、大专以学历或同等学历,具备高端家庭总管家工作经验优先考虑,有丰富的团队管理经验; 3、具备餐饮配菜能力,具备宴会服务管理能力;掌握一定的餐饮健康饮食知识,有营养师证最佳; 4、懂得家庭健康管理,以往服务中有健康管理经历; 5、可住家,周休一天。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 学历不限



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 节日礼物
    • 希尔顿员工价
    • 英语培训
    • 团队建设
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    To support the overallstrategic management of the hotel by establishing effective workingrelationships with senior colleagues: in particular, the GM, CD, DOF & DHR. 与酒店高层同事合作建立整体有效的工作关系,特别是总经理,商务总监,财务总监及人力资源总监,以支持全面的战略管理 Fully contribute tothe design of the hotel's business strategy 充分促进酒店的商业策略规划 Actively participatein the key management issues in the property (capital projects, refurbishment,training, customer service) 积极参与酒店的主要管理问题(资本项目,整修,培训,客户服务) Actively support the CDby ensuring that Front Office and F&B staff are fully trained and committedto upsellling. 积极支持商务总监,确保前厅部和餐饮部工作人员接受全面培训并致力于提高销售业绩 Actively support the CDin the generation of revenue by ensuring the highest possible level ofcollaboration in Conference & Banqueting organization to maximize yield andprofit. 积极支持商务总监创造收益,确保尽可能高级别宴会的组织合作,以最大限度地提高销量和利润 Conduct routineinspections of all areas of the hotel. 进行酒店所有领域的例行检查。 To achieve the plannedoperational profit margins in both Food & Beverage and Rooms 实现餐饮和客房的计划利润空间 Ensure that costs arecontrolled in a detailed and structured manner. Analyze costs on a monthlybasis and prepare action plans (Cost per occupied room; food cost; beveragecosts; payroll including overtime; other expense; other outsourced labor orservices) 确保成本被处以详细和结构化的方式控制。按月进行成本分析并制定行动计划(住房成本,食品成本,饮料成本;工资,包括加班工资,其他费用,其他外包劳动或服务) Ensure that all laborcosts are flexed according to levels of demand/activity/season and thatopportunity for a better balance between quality and cost through clustering oroutsourcing or both are explored fully 确保所有劳工成本是根据需求水平/活动/季节进行调整;确保对于一个通过集群或外包或两者都有的质量和成本之间更好的平衡点被充分探索 To jointly develop andmaintain the closest possible understanding of revenue (in rate, volume orBanqueting) from the CD to ensure the greatest level of alignment betweenrevenue and cost. 共同开发和维护与商务总监之间对于收益尽可能的理解(在价格,容量或设宴方面),以确保收入与成本之间最大程度一致 Ensures thatpurchasing delivers best quality for the most competitive price is purchased. 确保以最具竞争力的价格采购最优质的产品。 To manage all thedirect reports (e.g. Chef, F&B outlet Managers, Housekeeper, Front OfficeManager, Banquet Manager, Chief Engineer) in a professional and motivatingfashion 以专业和激励的方式管理所有直接报告对象(如厨师,餐饮部经理,管家,前厅部经理,宴会经理,总工程师) Set objectives foreach direct report 为每一位直报汇报对象设定目标 Review performance ona regular and consistent basis 定期的工作表现回顾 Offer coaching andguidance when appropriate 在适当的时候提供培训和指导 Recommend relevantsalary reviews. 建议相关的薪酬回顾 Deal effectively withinstances of poor performance 有效地处理业绩不佳的情况 Identify developmentneeds and future career paths 确定发展需要和未来的职业道路 Conduct regularOperations meetings including all direct reports 进行定期的,包括所有直接汇报对象在内的业务会议。
  • 天津-和平区 | 10年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 完善培训体系
    • 一流工作环境
    • 全球免费住房
    • 岗位晋升
    • 全球工作机会
    • 节日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Responsibilities  工作职责: 1.Responsible for the efficient and successful operation of the designated Kitchen; 2. Controls, checks and supervises the kitchen operations and works hands on as and when needed; 3. Assumes the responsibility for training related functions of all his staff. 1. 负责厨房的工作效率和正常操作; 2. 控制、检查和监督厨房的操作,在需要的时候给予其他同事帮助; 3. 保证所有员工的相关培训工作。 Preferred Qualification and Skills 优先考虑的资格与技能: 1. At least has10 years kitchen experience in 5 Star Hotel and at least 5 years at supervisory level, with a minimum of 3 years as Chinese Executive chef; 2. Creative and outgoing personality with a very Proactive and positive attitude to work, and demonstrate flexibility; 3. Excellent Chinese kitchen cooking knowledge, techniques and skills; 4. Strong leadership and organizational abilities and must have Training accreditation; 5. Excellent reading, writing & oral proficiency in Mandarin is essential 1. 至少有10年五星级酒店厨房经验;至少5年以上在主管级别工作经历;至少3年以上的中厨房行政总厨经历; 2. 拥有创新、外向的性格,积极的工作态度与灵活性; 3. 优秀的厨房烹饪技术和技能; 4. 强有力的领导和组织能力; 5. 熟练的普通话阅读、书写及口语能力
  • 上海 | 5年以上 | 本科



    • 全球80家
    • 度假村酒店
    • 一价全包
    • 海外工作机会
    • 每年轮换酒店
    • 大中华区3家
    • 多元化团队
    • 员工全球免费
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    About Club Med A Global Leading All-Inclusive Vacation Group – Since Club Med was founded in 1950 and we created the all-inclusivevacation concept, Club Med has been the world leader on its market, and hasdeveloped a resolutely upscale, friendly and multicultural spirit. Club Medboasts 68 resorts located in the most beautiful sites in the world, a cruiseship and Luxury Villas & Chalets and, now more than ever, is associatedwith dreams and happiness. There are 20,000 Gentle Organizers (G.Os) andGentle Employees (G.Es) at Club Med, who work in the villages, but also at theParis, Lyon, Singapore, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro and Miami headquarters, in thesales offices situated in dozens of countries and in travel agencies. Why work with us? Club Med offers the opportunity to broaden ourprofessional scope in amazing destinations all around the world, and toembrace a unique mindset and lifestyle in a company that has always beenpurposeful and committed to people and environment. Club Med has always been, and will continue to be, an experience like noother, a life-changing experience. Title: Senior Development Manager Working Location: Guangzhou, China Your opportunity As the Senior Development Manager,you will be responsible for ·       Partnership Development &Contract Negotiation (70%) ·       Project management & Internalcommunication (30%) How you will contribute ·       Responsibility1: 1.          Convince Owner to invest in ClubMed  2.         Negotiation of all legaldocuments 3.         Maintain the relationship withOwner 4.         Attend concerned conference orevent to sourcing projects 5.         Track the TSA fees ·       Responsibility2: 1.         Conduct identification &feasibility study 2.         Present projects to Asiacommittee to convince internally the project 3.         Communication internally on the negotiationresult and the legal documents 4.         Coordinate with construction teamto execute the technique service agreement 5.         Coordinate with Projectmanagement team to provide support after the signature of the contracts 6.         Assist to improve the currentprocess or way of working and give contribution to the strategic plan of thecompany Who you are? ·       Education:Master or Bachelor with solid education in business orhotel industry ·       Experience:Minimum 5 years experiences in hotel developmentpreferrably in Greater Bay Area ·       Knowledge:General knowledge in business (HR, Legal, Marketing etc), Finance, hotel management ·       Languages: FluentEnglish both in speaking and writing; Chinese as mother language ·       Others: Good computer skillsuch as all office software including excel, ppt.
  • 驻店经理

    广州 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    • 职业规划
    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 年终奖金
    • 节日礼物
    • 员工生日礼物
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、在总经理带领下,负责酒店的日常经营管理工作,对各项经营管理指标负责。 2、提出酒店的经营管理思路,协助确定酒店年度经营计划,并指挥落实。 3、协助建立健全酒店内部管理系统、运行机制及各项规章制度。 4、协调各部门关系。 5、研究市场发展趋势,协调制定酒店各服务产品价格体系。 6、审定酒店的市场营销方案,不断开拓市场。 7、提高酒店的管理水平、服务质量。 【岗位要求】 1 大专以上学历,旅游、酒店管理专业为佳。 2 从事酒店工作10年以上,具有酒店前厅,餐饮,客房等岗位管理经验,有酒店筹建、开业经验优先。 3 熟悉酒店各营业部门的服务及管理流程,善于成本控制。 4 具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强。
  • 酒店经理

    昆明 | 1年以上 | 大专



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 领导好
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 年度旅游
    • 包吃包住
    • 技能培训
    • 节日礼物
    • 年终奖金
    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、在总经理带领下,负责酒店的日常经营管理工作,对各项经营管理指标负责。 2、提出酒店的经营管理思路,协助确定酒店年度经营计划,并指挥落实。 3、协助建立健全酒店内部管理系统、运行机制及各项规章制度。 4、协调各部门关系。 5、研究市场发展趋势,协调制定酒店各服务产品价格体系。 6、审定酒店的市场营销方案,不断开拓市场。 7、提高酒店的管理水平、服务质量。 【岗位要求】 1 、大专以上学历,旅游、酒店管理专业为佳。 2 、1年以上同岗位经验,具有5年以上酒店市场销售部管理经验优先。 3、 熟悉酒店各营业部门的服务及管理流程,善于建立及维护良好的客户关系。 4 、具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强。
  • 上海-虹口区 | 8年以上 | 大专 | 提供吃



    • 五险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 领导好
    • 人性化管理
    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 员工生日礼物
    • 包吃包住
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Join Us at Regent Shanghai on The Bund – Seeking a Visionary Executive Chef   The Regent Shanghai on The Bund is searching for an exceptional Western Executive Chef to lead our culinary team and elevate our dining experiences to new heights.   We are looking for a dynamic leader with:   A luxury hotel background, with a strong focus on quality. Michelin-starred experience with a deep passion for culinary excellence. The ability to drive innovation while respecting classic techniques. Global experience working across prestigious international properties. This is an opportunity to shape the future of our culinary programme, setting new benchmarks in Shanghai’s dynamic dining scene. If you have the vision, expertise, and leadership to make an impact, we’d love to hear from you.   Interested candidates or referrals, please send your CV via Veryeast #RegentShanghaionTheBund #LuxuryDining #MichelinExperience #ExecutiveChef #CulinaryExcellence #Hiring
  • 大理州 | 10年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 带薪年假
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    JOB SUMMARY Functions as the leader of the property’s sales department for properties with bookings over 300 peak rooms and significant local catering revenue. Manages the property's reactive and proactive sales efforts. Provides day to day leadership to sales associates to achieve property sales objectives with overall responsibility for achieving booking goals and property revenues. Implements the brand’s service strategy and applicable brand initiatives in all aspects of the sales process and focuses on building long-term, value-based customer relationships that enable achievement of the hotel’s’ sales objectives. Evaluates the property’s participation in the various sales channels (e.g., Area Sales, Group Sales within the Sales Office, electronic lead channels, etc.) and develops strong working relationships to proactively position and market the property. Manages the marketing budget to enable development of property specific campaigns, promotions and collateral to drive revenue and meet property objectives. Interfaces with regional marketing communications for regional and national promotions pull through. Develops and implements property–wide strategies that deliver products and services to meet or exceed the needs and expectations of the brand’s target customer profile and property associates and provides a return on investment to the owner and Marriott International. CANDIDATE PROFILE Education and Experience Required: • 2-year degree from an accredited university in Business Administration, Marketing, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or related major; 4 years experience in the sales and marketing or related professional area. OR • 4-year bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or related major; 2 years experience in the sales and marketing or related professional area. Preferred: • 4 year college degree. • Demonstrated skills in supervising a team. • Lodging sales experience. • Hotel industry work experience, demonstrating progressive career growth and a pattern of exceptional performance. CORE WORK ACTIVITIES Managing Sales Activities • Manages the development of a strategic account plan for the demand generators in the market. • Manages the property's reactive and proactive sales efforts. • Determines and develops marketing communication activities, in conjunction with Regional Marketing Communications. • Provides customer intelligence in evaluating the market and economic trends that may lead to changes in sales strategy to meet or exceed customer expectations. • Reviews the Strategic Alignment Review (STAR) report, competitive shopping reports and uses other resources to maintain an awareness of the hotel’s market position. • Researches competitor’s sales team strategies to identify ways to grow occupancy and RevPAR and increase market share. • Attends sales strategy meetings to provide input on weekly and overall sales strategy. • Suggests innovative marketing ideas and develops deployment strategies to continue to grow market share. • Evaluates and supports participation and account deployment with Area Sales and Group Sales within the Sales Office. • Serves as the sales contact for the General Manager, property leadership team, Group Sales and Area Sales leaders. • Serves as the sales contact for customers; serves as the customer advocate. • Serves as hotel authority on sales processes and sales contracts. • Serves as the property sales liaison with Area Sales, Group Sales, Revenue Management, Event Management, Regional Marketing Communications and other hotel departments as appropriate. • Participates in sales calls with members of the Sales and Marketing team to acquire new business and/or close on business. • Identifies public relations opportunities and coordinates activities to augment the overall marketing communication strategy. • Supports the General Manager by coordinating crisis communications. • Executes and supports Marriott’s Customer Service Standards and hotel’s Brand Standards. • Executes and supports the operational aspects of business booked (e.g., generating proposal, writing contract, customer correspondence). • Participates in and practices daily service basics of the brand (e.g., , Marriott Hotels and Resorts (MHR) Spirit to Serve Daily Basics, Renaissance Hotels and Resorts (RHR) Savvy Service Basics, Courtyard, SpringHill Suites, Fairfield Inn Basics of the Day, Residence Inn Daily Huddle, or TownePlace Suites Morning Meeting). • Implements a seamless turnover from sales to operations and back to sales while consistently delivering high level of service. • Monitors the effective resolution of guest issues that arise as a result of the sales process by creating mechanisms to channel issues to property leadership and/or other appropriate stakeholders. • Maintains successful performance by increasing revenues, controlling expenses and providing a return on investment for the owner and Marriott International. • Implements the brand’s service strategy and applicable brand initiatives in all aspects of the sales process and focuses on building long-term, value-based customer relationships that enable achievement of the hotel’s’ sales objectives. • Interfaces with regional marketing communications for regional and national promotions pull through. • Performs other duties, as assigned, to meet business needs. Building Successful Relationships • Develops strong partnerships with local organizations to further increase brand/product awareness. • Develops and manages internal key stakeholder relationships. • Develops strong community and public relations by maintaining property participation in local, regional and national tradeshows and client events. • Executes exemplary customer service to drive customer satisfaction and loyalty by assisting the customer and monitoring their satisfaction before and during their program/event. • Serves the customer by understanding their needs and recommending the appropriate features and services that best meet their needs and exceed their expectations, while building a relationship and loyalty to Marriott. • Gains understanding of the hotel’s primary target customer and service expectations; serves the customer by understanding their business, business issues and concerns, to offer better business solution both prior to, and during the program/event. Leadership • Functions as the leader of the property’s sales department for properties with bookings over 300 peak rooms and significant local catering revenue. • Develops sales goals and strategies and verifies alignment with the brand business strategy. • Executes the sales strategy in order to meet individual booking goals for both self and staff. • Coaches leaders of revenue generating departments in developing effective revenue strategies and setting aggressive goals that will drive the property's financial performance. • Verifies Sales team understands and is leveraging Marriott International (MI) demand engines to full potential. • Works with Human Resources, Engineering and Loss Prevention to monitor compliance with local, state and federal regulations and/or union requirements. • Partners with Human Resources to attract, develop and retain the right people in order to support the strategic priorities of the market. • Creates effective structures, processes, jobs and performance management systems are in place. • Sets goals and expectations for direct reports using the Leadership Performance Process (LPP), aligns performance and rewards, addresses performance issues and holds staff accountable for successful results. • Forecasts talent needs and manages talent acquisition strategy with Human Resources (HR) to minimize lost time due to turnover. • Maintains an active list of the competition’s best sales people and executes a recruitment and acquisition plan with HR. • Supports tools and training resources to educate sales associates on winning catering solutions. • Champions leadership development and workforce planning priorities by assessing, selecting, retaining and developing diverse, high-caliber talent that can lead the organization today and strengthen the leadership bench for the future; continues to upgrade the sales & marketing talent; works with HR to anticipate future talent needs based on business growth plans. • Identifies, trains and mentors group sales associates; utilizes all available on the job training tools for associates. • Transfers functional knowledge and develops group sales skills of other discipline managers. • Provides day to day leadership to sales associates to achieve property sales objectives with overall responsibility for achieving booking goals and property revenues. • Evaluates the property’s participation in the various sales channels (e.g., Area Sales, Group Sales within the Sales Office, electronic lead channels, etc.) and develops strong working relationships to proactively position and market the property. • Manages the marketing budget to enable development of property specific campaigns, promotions and collateral to drive revenue and meet property objectives.
  • 上海-青浦区 | 10年以上 | 本科



    • 五险一金
    • 节日礼物
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 岗位晋升
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    【岗位职责】 1、在总经理带领下,负责酒店的日常经营管理工作,对各项经营管理指标负责。 2、提出酒店的经营管理思路,协助确定酒店年度经营计划,并指挥落实。 3、协助建立健全酒店内部管理系统、运行机制及各项规章制度。 4、管理对象:房务、餐饮、工程、安保。 5、研究市场发展趋势,协调制定酒店各服务产品价格体系。 6、审定酒店的营运流程,确保VIP及业主的高品质接待体验。 7、协助总经理提高酒店的管理水平、服务质量。 【岗位要求】 1 大专以上学历,旅游、酒店管理专业为佳。 2 从事酒店工作10年以上,具有5年以上酒店房务部岗位管理经验,有酒店筹建、开业经验优先。 3 熟悉酒店各营业部门的服务及管理流程,善于成本控制。 4 具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强。
  • 上海 | 经验不限 | 大专



    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 班次津贴
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费食宿
    • 工会福利
    • 管理规范
    • 绩效奖金
    • 五险一金
    • 团建活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    As an Executive Chef, we rely on you to: Complete responsibility for directing training supervising, planning, coordinating, of all areas within the culinary department including any projects requested by the General Manager of the hotel. Ensuring a quality product for our guests, and secure profit margins while maintaining the Corporate image of the Company at all times. We are looking for someone who: Oral and written fluency in English Basic understanding of local language Minimum 8 years experience in an international class hotel Outgoing and people oriented Motivator and self-starter Team builder Displays initiative Customer oriented Flexible and adaptable to different working locations By applying to this position, you have read, understood and agreed to our Data Protection Policy. (if the hyperlink does not navigate you to the policy, please copy this URL and view in web browser: https://www.shangri-la.com/group/careers/data-protection)
  • 上海 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 技能培训
    • 岗位晋升
    • 班次津贴
    • 带薪年假
    • 免费食宿
    • 工会福利
    • 管理规范
    • 绩效奖金
    • 五险一金
    • 团建活动
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    We are currently looking for a Director of Sales & Marketing to join our Sales & Marketing team. As a Director of Sales & Marketing, we rely on you to * Analyze and study market trends and set targets accordingly * To constantly monitor and evaluate local, national and international market trends, and the competitor hotels’ sales initiatives, in order to make sure the hotel’s marketing and sales remain competitive and cutting edge * Examine monthly reports and sales forecast reports to analyze current and potential marketing trends. Meanwhile coordinate various activities to increase revenue and market share, and monitor progress to ensure performance meets or exceeds established revenue plans * To manage all sales strategy, tactics, and action implementations in order to create a strong and disciplined sales team who achieve their sales goals * Train and motivate employees of sales and marketing department to achieve hotel revenue targets. Ensure everyone have access to the necessary information, market data, various tools and equipment to fulfill their job responsibilities * Establish and maintain contact with key customers and external stakeholders to increase business volume, including room sales, catering sales, and banquet services Supervise various marketing activities and maintain hotel image * To work closely with other Executive Committee members in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests * To make sure Sales associates work in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments We are looking for someone who: * Has a passion for Sales and Marketing * At least 3 years similar working experience in international hotel brand * Excellent administration skills, interpersonal skills and problem solving skills * Proficiency in English, in both oral and written * Strong team spirit and communication skills * Able to engage in a friendly and professional manner with business partners and customers
  • 澳门 | 8年以上 | 本科



    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 岗位晋升
    • 管理规范
    • 技能培训
    • 住宿补贴
    • 全球住宿优惠
    • 全球餐饮优惠
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    -Responsible for the management of all aspects and functions of the Restaurant areas in accordance with hotel standards.  Directs implements and maintains a service and management philosophy, which serves as a guide to respective employee. -Maintain complete knowledge of: o    All Liquor brands, beers and non-alcoholic selections available in Lai Heen o    The particular characteristics and description of every wine/champagne by the glass and major wine on the wine list o    Designated glassware and garnishes for drinks o    All menu items, preparation method/time, ingredients, sauces, portion size, garnishes, Presentation and prices o    Daily menu specials and items out of stock o    Dining room layout, table/ seat/ station numbers, proper table set-ups, room capacity, hours of operation, price range and dress code o    Micros and manual system procedures o    Daily house count, arrivals/ departures, VIPs o    Schedule in house group activities, locations and times o    Correct maintenance and use of equipment o    All department policies/ service procedures -Check Storage areas for proper suppliers, organization and cleanliness. Instruct designated personal to rectify any cleanliness / organization deficiencies -Establish par levels for supplies, liquor, wine and equipment.  Complete  requisitions  to  replenish shortages or additional items needs for the anticipated business -Requisitions linens/ skirting required for business -Check stock of wines / champagnes and inform the Beverage Manager to order shortages noted. Ensure wines are received, properly stored, and kept secured -Review sales and beverage costs of previous day; resolve discrepancies with Accounting. Track revenue against budget -Communicate with the Chef to review daily specials and out of stock items; update board throughout shift. Ensure that employee is aware of such
  • 北京 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 六险一金
    • 带薪年假
    • 包吃包住
    • 岗位晋升
    • 完善培训体系
    • 节日礼物
    • 年终奖金
    • 年度福利体检
    • 倒班津贴
    • 人性化管理
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 02-21
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    北京丽晶酒店正在寻找具有丰富酒店餐饮管理经验,能够带领团队通过周到、善良和直观的服务,为客人创造难忘的餐饮体验的候选人。我们会优先考虑拥有五星级奢华酒店餐饮管理工作经历,且具备熟练的中英文会话沟通和书写能力的人选。 Regent Beijing is seeking a highly qualified candidate with rich experience of F&B and be able to lead a team to create unforgettable dining experiences for guests through thoughtful, kind, and intuitive service. It is likely the successful candidate will already be in a luxury hotel, proficient in communication and possessing excellent skills in both Chinese and English and we will give priority to candidates with a background of food & beverage management experience.
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